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<Still Guilty> Hot gf's roommate | 2016
I think it is finally time to tell this story anonymously to an audience. I'm still working through the feelings associated, etc. It kind of fucked me up because it was the first step in an eventual very emotional breakup with my gf. I wasn't very attracted to her although she is good looking and a lovely person. I mostly just really liked and admired her. We're still working on being friends a few years later. Anyway, this experience helped me see that I needed to end it, but also made me feel really fucking guilty. I have only really talked about it with my fiance (who is the absolute best), and she gets it, but I want to share more.
My gf and I used to sleep over at each others' places sometimes, especially on weekends after partying. We were both sophomores in uni at the time, so both had to share our rooms with a roommate (which as anyone who's been to uni knows is both a blessing and a curse - my roommate from that year is still a great friend, but there were a lot of close calls on him walking in on me and my gf). Anyway, this story is about several of those nights sleeping over at my gf's place.
To this day, I'm still not sure why exactly I woke up that one night or whether she would have wanted me to then (I doubt it), but I know that when I did I heard abnormal breathing and slight, wet sounds like, 'frick, frick, frick.' I was lying on my gf's elevated twin mattress having fallen asleep spooning behind her. I awoke slightly dehydrated after a night of light drinking and was a bit warm and disoriented under the covers. I don't remember how exactly I reacted. I remember a mental image like a moving photograph of the other bed in the room. In the darkness with the slight bit of moonlight shining through the covered window, I could see her head, her shoulders, maybe her arms, and a mass of blankets, moving slightly. The only other thing I recall about that night is that I didn't sleep again, although in the morning I didn't say anything to my girlfriend about what I had thought I had heard and seen.
The origin of the sound - the woman on that bed was my gf's roommate, call her Liza. They had been thrown together as freshmen and liked each other well enough to stick it out again the following year. When I think back on it now, I remember times staying in my gf's room as as freshman, particularly one when we were kissing and I started fingering her during the nighttime. I think, if I recall correctly, I looked over at Liza's bed then and saw her eyes glistening, reflecting the hall light coming under the door. But it could just be my imagination. I get pretty tired at night.
Liza was tall, brunette, shaped like a volleyball player because she was one (lol). She had a droning voice and was a boring conversationalist, but she and I were always pleasant to each other. I didn't see her too much or sleep over that often, so it wasn't a big deal.
When I heard her breathing and wet sounds sophomore year and lost that night of sleep, everything changed. Yet, to this day I'm not sure if I imagined it that night, since we never acknowledged it. Maybe she was having a bad dream, or rubbing her eyes or some other mildly wet part of her body in her sleep. All I know is that from moment on sleeping in my gf's room gave me this feeling of guilt tied to exhilaration. I no longer would sleep, or if I did I would wake back up. I was always listening, straining my ears, trying to keep my eyes as close to slits as possible while I peered into the darkness. I'm pretty sure she didn't sleep either. This went on for increasingly many nights of sleeping over, over the course of the spring semester. Frequently I would get up and 'pee' and talk to one of the people up late in the lounge. I learned that masturbating furiously in the bathroom was the only way I could fall asleep.
What follows is a chronicle of the most sexual and arousing moments in this weird, fucked-up (entirely unacknowledged by either of us) relationship between us, in no chronological order:
I came back with my gf to the room late and Liza was already 'asleep.' My gf fell asleep. My heart pounded in my chest as Liza pulled her shirt over her head - I could see it in the thin moonlight, being removed, though I could not see her breasts through the darkness. We lay there, both quiet, our hearts racing for most of the night, hardly daring to breathe. Nothing happened. Our show of indifference continued.
Once, Liza spent much of the night masturbating on and off at intervals, while my girlfriend slept and I listened with my heart pounding in my chest straining to hear and to see. In the morning, while she lay in bed recovering from a sleepless night, after my girlfriend had gone to brush her teeth in the bathroom to begin the day, I unzipped my jeans and rubbed myself for a few seconds, whispering Liza's name. She did not make any indication of looking, her eyes remained ostensibly closed, but I wonder if she saw.
Once, after another night of on-and-off masturbating, Liza got up very early for the beginning of volleyball season. I lay facing her, my eyes almost closed in the early dawn light. I did not know what she was doing at first as she walked to the dresser. She pulled her baggy pajama t-shirt over her head with her side to me, and I could just see her left breast. She then walked over to the center of the room, between the beds, a few feet from my face where my heart raced at full tilt in my chest while I tried to calm and rhythmetize my breathing. Seeing that my girlfriend was asleep, turned toward the wall, Liza changed in front of me - neither of us meeting for more than a second the others' surreptitious glances. She took off the shorts and put on underwear and a new pair of shorts. Then, after putting her hair up in a ponytail, she glanced at me - we almost made eye contact. She stared at me for a little while, I could see her chewing her lip thinking as she stood there. Then, she took off her shorts and underwear again, showing me her beautiful side-ass, and slid on a thong, then volleyball spandex. She took her time adjusting the spandex up her long, tan legs, and then turned, facing away from me, and leaned over on her bed, bending at the waist. She arched her hips, and kind of moved her ass in the spandex around. All I could see was her legs, leading up to her gorgeous butt, her white shirt with her shoulders leading up to the ponytail knotted on top of her head. Soon after, she stood and left the room with just a quick glance back. My girlfriend woke to the sound of the door closing and began to get ready for the day. I pulled my jeans on as fast as I could, almost exploding with every step, not-clandestinely-enough touching myself on the way back to my dorm room, where I ejaculated everywhere after hustling in as fast as possible. Fortunately my roommate was out.
Liza started dating a guy on another sports team who had his own room, and she frequently began sleeping at his place to my (75%) joy and (25%) extreme disappointment. However, one night my gf and I were in bed 'asleep' when she entered the room. This came after months of us straining to hear or see each other, quietly touching ourselves, and then ignoring each other or making polite conversation in person. It was always a rush when she entered the room at night - all these chemicals went 'woosh' in my brain and my heart rate jumped, even as I was permeated by guilt. It turned out this night she meant business. I was starting to feel a little sick of 'the game' by this time - it had not happened for a few weeks, and the guilt had been getting to me. Once my gf was asleep, the sounds began. Except this time, she stuck her hand out into the beam of moonlight so I could see it and moved it up in down in a fist, like she was rubbing a cock, indicating that I should masturbate. She insistently made this motion until I also mimed the motion in the air in the general region of my penis (I did not want to actually touch myself due to guilt and also position with my girlfriend). She began to moan softly and push around her covers, and the wet sounds picked up in intensity, until she climaxed, thrashing around. Soon after, I believe she went to sleep. I was up all night again.
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