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Getting a Footjob From my Friends Hot Cousin [m/f] | 2016

Growing up, when I was around 17, my circle of friends and I were potheads. That was pretty much our thing. My friend, who we will call Scott, had a cousin who grew weed. Her name was (not) Anna and she was a couple of years our senior. Scott kind of hated her because he knew that she was hot and all of his friends fancied her. She was short and had a nice body. She was very very skinny, but didn't look at all unhealthy. I usually like chubby girls, but there was something nice about Anna's figure. She had bright eyes and the facial structure of a super model. Her personality made her more attractive though. She was a very funny girl and very caring about other peoples problems, always looking to help others out. Anna grew, and sold very high quality weed. Her parents had smoked it sinse they were teenagers and she had smoked it sinse she was very young. She had dropped out of school a few years early and only really left her house to go shopping and go to the sunbeds to top up the tone on her sexy, smooth, well tanned skin. She had a mini gym in her home to keep fit but spent most of her time at home, and we were there too a lot.

A few years later, my friend Scott, Anna's cousin, had a small falling out with Anna. We stopped going round to her house for a while and in that time Scott told me that Anna had confessed to fancying me. This wasn't the reason for the fallout, but he said that if I ever wanted to hit on her, he wouldn't be bothered. I didn't plan on, because he's my best friend. A couple of weeks later though Anna text me.

"Hey itsauonlyforyou! I haven't seen you for ages!!! Are you coming round tonight?"

"Hey Anna! oh, are you and Scott talking again? I'll ask if he wants to come"

"No don't ask him, I thought maybe you could come. Alone"

I got kind of nervous. But, never the less, I went.

I arrive. She opens the door with her long blonde hair let down, wearing some light sexy make up and wearing a vest with some nice soft pjama pants with some ugg slippers. We made a few drinks in the kitchen and I headed into the living room to chill. "Itsauonlyforyou, I thought we could chill in my room for a change?" She lay on her bed, all of her pillows were stacked up so she could lean against them and watch the TV. I lay perpendicular to her, with my back against a wall. She offered to make me a pillow wall and I could sit next to her, but I didn't want to be too eager.

A few spliffs in, watching some funny TV and making jokes and laughing a lot, I completely forget what I'm doing. Without thinking, I see that her foot is resting over my lap. I slide my hand into her slipper, touching the bottom of her feet. They were so incredibly soft. She spends most of her time in uggs, and doesn't walk very far, always getting taxis. Her feet were perfect and completely soft and looked after. I gave them a little massage without realising what I was doing, I was on pervert-guided-auto-pilot. "That feels nice. Why are you touching my feet though?" She laughed. I got embaressed as I quickly realised what I was doing. "Shit, sorry, I don't know" and I tried to play it off cool.

"Do you like my feet? I've seen you stare at them before" I have an incredible foot fetish, but I had only told a handful of girls about this, Anna not being one of them

"Err, I, y..."

She took her slipper off and put it in front of my face.

"I got a pedicure today, do you like it?"

She had an amazing, super sexy French pedicure. She had nice feet. I'd always looked at them out of the corner of my eye and tried to get glances, but now I could really see them. Her toes were long and her arches were super high. She had small, slim feet and there was not a blemish on them.

"I hoped you would like it"

She knew, that I loved her feet, but I still somehow tried to play it off as if I wasn't a foot perv. She pressed her other foot onto my crotch and felt my cock was about to burst out of my pants.

"Wow you really do like them! You can touch them some more if you want"

I did. And I slowly started kissing them, working my way from the tops of her ankles to her toes. Her feet were so soft and warm it was remarkable. Every inch of them was baby soft and smooth. She lifted her foot away and pressed her sole into my face. I stuck my tounge out and she ran her foot down, from her heel to her toes. I sucked her toes and loved every second of it. She took her other slipper off and did the same. I was in my own little heaven until...

"So are you getting your dick out for me?"

I pulled it out and her face said to me that she was surprised by it. She leant forward onto her stomach and kissed it slowly. Her lips were so warm. She slid her lips around my cock and worked it for a good few minutes. The occasional choking and slurping sound making me even harder. She spat on it and then sat back. In her original position. She wrapped her toes around my cock and stroked. Those soft, warm, smooth feet felt so good. Her soles were like silk and my balls were about to burst.

"I never liked my feet, but I liked when you used to stare at them. It made me feel pretty. Does that feel good?" All I could say is "oh my god"

I came. It ran out slowly like a volcano, running down my cock and onto her toes. It looked so sexy and I was happy. I sighed and laughed and said I would go and get her some tissue to clean up for feet for her.

I returned and she had her pjama pants thrown on the floor and she was wearing no underwear. Her pussy was pristine and absolutely soaking. It was shining from the lamp light reflecting off of it. Her pussy was so small and perfect.

"Is it my turn?"

She lay on the end of the bed and i eat that pussy for about 20 seconds before she squirted in my face. I kept going, slowly licking from the bottom to the top. Burying my tongue into her lips and playing with her clit. I got hard again and started wanking myself off. She lifted her legs up higher and spread her pussy. I'm a huge fan of ass and could see her pretty little asshole so I buried my tongue in that too, going as deep as I could. She moaned just as loud and said how good it feels. I flipped her over and told her to hold her arse cheeks open for me. I ate her arse for 5 minutes and she kept saying how much she loved how it felt. All the spit was running down onto her pussy and I couldn't take it. I stood up, and pushed it into her pussy.


it only took three or four strokes before she squirted again. I was on edge and pushed it back inside her. She came again. I pushed back in and could feel myself about to cum. I pulled it out and sprayed the thickest, biggest load all over her pussy and asshole. She was quivering and laughing with enjoyment. She sucked my dick once more making sure she had one last taste of it. Then we cleaned up and watched another show without saying a word.

As I left all she said was

"This needs to become a weekly date."

And it did for a few months