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[F/M] My Sexual Awakening (a.k.a. 'The wettest I have ever been'). [Long!!] | 2016
Hey GWS! my name is Emily (it's not but whatever) and this is a recollection of a time in my life a few years ago when I really 'woke up' sexually and emotionally. It's very much a slow-burner, but if you read through it all you'll hopefully agree it belongs in this sub :) I don't know how good I'll be at writing everything down, but I thought I'd give it a go because I've been reading stuff on here for a couple of weeks now, and I like the thought of other people enjoying this part of my life. This is going to be very long and very slow though lol, and so I've inserted a TL;DR section (marked with a load of ////\s) before the 'grand finale' in case you want to skip ahead. I'd be happy to make stuff shorter in future if people want, but this first story just has to be this way I'm afraid. By the way, this is all completely true - though for the sake of an interesting read I have taken steps to emphasise certain bits ;)
I have always been a pretty ordinary person. Not in a boring way, just in an ordinary way. When I was sixteen I sneaked into bars with my friends and drank under-age and kissed random guys. Then after a year or two that got a bit old and we stopped doing it. Never masturbated (didn't have anything against it, just not interested), and didn't consider myself a very sexual person. My total lack of interest in sex-gossip even led to my friends joking that I was gay on a couple of occasions. And though I've always been completely straight, it was true that I had never really found myself attracted to any guys I knew (didn't help that my school was all-girls until 16). As a result I didn't get a boyfriend until I started university.
That boyfriend was a guy called Mike. Our relationship was okay, I think it was a much bigger deal for him than for me, and it ended after about a year when it became clear that we were in different places. It's funny really, the relationship was kind of a milestone in my life because it was my first one AND the relationship in which I lost my virginity (19 at the time). But in actuality it was just really 'flat'. He didn't set my world on fire emotionally, sex was unremarkable, and he never made any effort to 'return any favours' (not that I cared at the time). We stayed good friends (I did really like him as a friend) and pretty quickly after our break-up the whole friendship group we were a part of was totally non-awkward again.
Things carried on like this for a couple of months, after which point I started to get to know the SO of one of my friends. The friend in question was a girl called Jade, and her boyfriend was called Tad. I had met Tad a couple of times before and he seemed nice, but I wouldn't have said I knew him exactly. After I spent a little time around him though, I decided he was a really cool guy. Eventually I realised that (for the first time ever) I was actually really smitten with him! (Obviously I kept this to myself though – no way in hell was I going to tell anyone I had feelings for my friend's boyfriend.) To the casual observer Tad wasn't anything special (average height, average build, dark hair), but the more I got to know him the more I fell for him. He wasn't an Adonis or anything, but he was quietly confident, friendly, warm, and really funny. Obviously I knew nothing was ever ever going to happen – He seemed happy in his relationship with Jade and I would never want to come between two people, especially seeing as one of them was a close friend.
Anyway, things continued like this for a while with nothing really happening. I met Tad occasionally over the next year or so, but we never became close, and I had successfully repressed all my feelings for him anyway, so that wasn't a problem...
Looking back, it all started in the summer break between my 3rd and 4th years. I was no stranger to male attention, and every now and then I would get hit on in a bar – Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet or anything, it's just that if you're a female with a pulse hanging out in a bar, then male attention is practically unavoidable. [As an aside, I'm about 5'3, 110lb, smallish B-cup breasts, full ass, long dark hair – not gonna win Miss Universe, but I've got more to offer than a pulse ;)]. I was never interested the advances though, and I was starting to wonder if maybe I was just asexual... But then a friend of mine (who loves trying to hook people up) showed me this picture of a guy she knew called John, and I swear I nearly swooned when I saw it. I don't know what it was about him, but I just thought he was so completely gorgeous. To my surprise and delight, he was interested in me too (having already been given a description and shown a picture). Unfortunately it didn't go so well though – we went on one date together and it got weirdly physical really quickly. The long and short of it is that he kind of used me, though I was denial about it at the time.
Denial aside, the situation bothered me more and more over the following weeks, and by the time I started my 4th year at Uni I was in a bit of a state over the whole thing. No one would have known it to look at me though, I'm a pretty introverted person and I just bottled it all up.
There was one thing I was happy about though: because of the way everyone's rent arrangements worked out I ended up getting a room in a 5-bed house with: Mike, two friends (both male), and Tad! I won't bother explaining how we ended up in that arrangement but, to cut a long story short, Jade had already graduated and Mike and Tad were good friends. I knew nothing was ever going to happen between us, but I was still looking forward to spending some time around him, especially after the whole John fiasco.
To start with it was all really great fun, I couldn't remember the last time I had enjoyed myself so much. Mike and I got along very amicably, I loved being around Tad, and all five of us just had a blast. Jade came down pretty regularly to visit Tad, and it was nice to get a chance to spend some time with her too. We'd go out to a pub and have dinner and drink cheap wine and crack each other up with stupid jokes – the typically blissful days of student life. To top it off, Tad and I got on like a house on fire. It was weird how well we clicked, even in the first couple of days. I don't tend to make friends very easily, but within two weeks of everyone moving in the two of us were pretty much BFFs, like we'd known each other forever. It was all completely platonic though, and (despite my buried feelings) I never thought Tad and I would go anywhere. We were just having fun.
Sadly though, it wasn't long before things went a bit off. After a fun couple of weeks, Tad lost a lot of the spring in his step, and he and Jade became distant when they were together. Mine and Tad's rooms were right next to each other in one corner of the house and I heard them arguing on more than one occasion, which was weird because they had always been a super happy couple. I really wanted to know what was up, both because I wanted to help Jade, and because I was just really curious...
One night, after everyone else had gone to bed, Tad and I stayed up talking. We were sat facing each other on a large sofa at about 2:00am. The conversation flowed freely as it always did between us, but this time it started to get a bit more personal. After a little lull in the exchange I asked (a little strategically I'll admit) how he and Jade were doing with the whole visiting thing. He gave me a smile and said it was fine, but it wasn't very convincing. Then he sighed and said “actually, it's really not going so well,” which surprised me as I didn't think he'd want to open up about it. So I said something like “Oh really? I'm sorry, I hope it's nothing too serious,” (which genuinely wasn't a lie). He went on to explain that Jade was just getting angry and upset all the time over small things, and it was draining him and driving a massive wedge between them.
Everyone knew that Jade had been dealing with some 'problems' of some kind over the last couple of years (she hated talking about it so no one pried) but I never stopped to think about how it might have been affecting Tad. I asked if he was okay, and if he wanted to talk about it, but he gave me another weak smile and basically said 'thanks but no thanks'. In that moment he just looked so gorgeous – I don't know what it is about him exactly, but in his own way he is really handsome: big dark eyes, a strong jaw line, full lips, and a surprisingly adorable button nose(!). I caught myself before I started staring though, and told him he could always talk to me about it if he wanted.
Then he casually asked me about my love life, and straight away I thought of John. It must have shown in my face or something, because he immediately noticed something was up, and asked me if I was okay. I almost brushed it off, but then I realised that for once I actually wanted to talk about it. So I did. I told him all about my date with John and how much it had been bothering me. As I started to open up to him about it, it became increasingly obvious to both of us just how angry and upset I was over the whole thing, and how much I hated John for leaving me by the wayside.
After I got it all out, I said “I'm really sorry, I know you must think I'm being really silly about this,” but Tad just shook his head gently without taking his eyes off me and replied “Emily, this John guy... I couldn't imagine a bigger idiot if I tried”. That sentence has stuck with me because of how it made me feel – it just lit something under me; that was the first time anyone had ever said something sweet to me. Ever.
Suddenly there was this growing sense of 'pressure' in the room. It was weird, and kind of hard to describe... Up until that point I had never really understood what people meant when they spoke about 'the spark' between two compatible people, and I had assumed it was something that only existed in trashy fiction. But that moment I felt it for the first time: that deep, relentless magnetism that grinds people together like mountains. We sat there for (what felt like) ages, locked onto each other from a distance, not talking or even smiling, just reveling in the attraction. I had no real idea what I was experiencing at the time, but looking back there was so much damn chemistry between us. I know it sounds really cliched, but you'll know exactly what I'm talking about if you've experienced it.
But then it was gone, as if someone had turned a light on and dispelled the ambience. We both noticed the time, and joked about how we really needed to get to bed (the dreaded 9am lectures). We went up stairs together, said a quick goodnight, and went to our separate rooms (sinks in our bedrooms for anyone wondering about our oral hygiene!). Despite being really tired, I lay in bed for over an hour that night, trying to figure out what was going on inside my head, but I fell asleep confused and excited.
Jade was round for the next couple of days, and things got a bit melancholy again. They both put up a small effort to seem fine around everyone else, but the 'magic' just wasn't there. And now that I knew for sure that things really weren't okay between them, it was obvious. I spent those couple of days confused: I was still griping internally over John, but I was also contending with a resurgence of affection for Tad, as well as bizarre mix of concern, jealousy, and anger directed at Jade. To top it off I had a crap load of work that needed doing, and after those two days I was just so tightly wound.
On the third morning, shortly after Jade had left, I was working away at my desk trying to get Tad out of my mind when there was a knock on my door. Of course it was him. I answered “hello?” and he poked his head round the door, gave me his now characteristic weak smile and said “hi, sorry to bother you, are you free for a chat?”. Of course I was – not only was it an excuse to stop working, it was Tad of all people. He came in and sat down on the corner of my bed, and I swiveled in my chair to face him. He looked at me after a moment or two and said “you know the other night? When you said I could talk to you about me and Jade? Well I'd really appreciate your advice if you're still up for it”. Of course I was.
I won't try and type out the whole conversation because frankly I don't remember it well enough. The gist though, is that their relationship wasn't a happy one. Jade got upset and insecure about various things all the time, to the point that they were just waiting for the next argument to happen (not saying it was 'her fault' or anything; it takes two to tango). The big surprise though, was that this had been going on for about a year, but had only gotten really bad in the last couple of weeks.
The catalyst for this was Tad's sudden friendship with me. At the time this was a massive surprise, but looking back it really shouldn't have been: Her boyfriend moved into a house with another girl, and instantly struck up a strong friendship with her. I apologised to Tad, because I did feel guilty, but he shook his head and said something like “no no, it's not your fault at all. To be honest, it's not anyone's fault. The problem is that I'm starting to think I just can't keep doing this anymore, I really do care about Jade, but it just isn't working. I keep telling myself it might get better and that I just have to work harder, but it never changes. It's got to the point where I'd rather be spending my time alone than with her”.
I suddenly realised where this was going, and I remember groaning internally at the conflict of interests I was going to have to set aside if he asked me whether he should break up with Jade. In the end I preempted him and said something like “I'm really sorry things are so hard, but I don't think it's my place to tell you what to do. I'm always here to listen though”. He sighed and said “no you're right, it's not fair to put this on you. I really appreciate you listening though”. He got up and mumbled something about some reading he had to do for a lecture, and slipped back into his room.
Dear god I was confused when he left. It felt like my head was full of silent voices pushing me in different directions. I wanted to help Tad, I wanted to help Jade, I wanted Tad for myself, I wanted to preserve their relationship, I wanted them to break up, etc. Tad really couldn't know what the conversation had done to me though, and I think he was just looking for some kind of external validation for his desire to end the relationship. It was kind of understandable given they had been together for over 3 years at this point.
Jade didn't come down at all for the next week as she was busy working, and in her absence Tad actually bounced back a bit, and I started to think that maybe they really would be better off apart. He and I spent loads of time together doing random stuff that week, and he was amazing when it came to helping me with my essays (I hated essays, and he always found them easy). In those few days I started to see more and more of the warmth and sensitivity come back, and all I could think about was how awesome he was (I was so loved up lol).
Late one night I was trying to move an essay I had just finished when my laptop crashed. I immediately went into panic mode – I had been working on it all week and it was due in 12 hours. I frantically restarted my laptop, hunted for the essay, and was absolutely horrified to find about 50% of missing. I sat there in terrified disbelief for a minute before quietly knocking on Tad's door (he was up late every night). He opened it, took one look at me, and said “whoa, what's wrong?”. I told him about the essay, and he came into my room and tinkered with my laptop while I paced around and tried to work out how much I could rewrite from memory in 11 hours. After about 10 excruciating minutes, Tad turned round and said “is this it?”. I took a look at the screen. It was – he had managed to restore the document. Pure, golden relief blasted over me, and I just started crying right there in my room. I feel like such a dork typing it, but I really couldn't help it at the time. Tad was amazing though: without saying a word, he stood up and scooped me into his arms while I sobbed quietly. After I had regained my senses we stood there for about minute, with my head tucked under his chin, and his hands gently rubbing my back. I was pretty sure at the time that it was going to be the best minute of my entire life.
Eventually Tad gently released me and smiled, and I smiled back. He rubbed my arm a little and told me to get some sleep, because I looked completely spent. I thanked him about a thousand times as he left the room, and I pledged to always have 10 back-up copies of my essays in the future. The next day was different – something about that hug had changed the dynamic between us, and think it was because it was the first time we had actually touched each other. We both tried to downplay it though...
That evening we were alone (Mike had gone home for a few days, and the other two were on a society night) and Tad suggested we order pizza to celebrate my essay hand-in. Any excuse for pizza right? We ordered two large pizzas from Domino's with a cheapskate coupon we found on our doormat, and feasted while watching The Inbetweeners on my laptop. It was a great evening. I got tired pretty quickly though, and by 10pm I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. Tad caught me trying to suppress a yawn and laughed, saying “I think it's time you went to bed Emily, you look knackered”. I smiled and agreed, and we turned off my laptop and put our leftovers in the fridge. We both went upstairs together, and then into my room. It was weird, I just knew he was going to come into my room, and he just knew it would be okay if he did – neither of us questioned it or said anything. I turned the light on and started putting a couple of things away, while Tad just lay back on my bed with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling. After a minute or so I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back. Something suddenly wicked to life inside me. My hands started trembling, and my heart started beating so hard and fast I could feel my vision pulsing. That overwhelming sense of magnetism flooded back into the room, and I just stood transfixed, deafened by the blood pounding through my ears.
And then, simultaneously helpless and in total control, I walked over to the bed, and lay down on it next to Tad. I turned on my side facing him, put my head on his shoulder, and rested a hand on his chest. His heart was beating just as fast as mine, and the realisation set me on fire. My head was filled with so many screaming thoughts I couldn't keep track of them. On the one hand I was thrilled, but at the same time I knew this whole situation was just so completely wrong, and bad, and shitty. He wasn't my boyfriend, he was Jade's boyfriend. Jade was my friend, what on earth was I doing in bed with him? Why the fuck wasn't I stopping? Logically I know that all of this happened in silence, but in my memories the whole experience was utterly deafening.
Tad shifted slightly, brought his arm around me, and started gently caressing my side with his fingers. His touch felt electric, and I had to force myself not to shudder. Then, without a word, he turned his head to face me, and pressed his lips against mine. I cannot describe how I felt when this happened. My feelings about John, my concerns for Jade, my buried anxiety over Tad, my flailing moral compass – all of it just boiled off me in this huge wave of ecstasy. All that was left was this glowing feeling of pure joy.
The kiss only lasted about 4 seconds, though it felt like 20. Afterwards Tad tucked my head under his chin and started playing with my hair with one hand, while he held my body against him with the other. I held onto him for dear life. We lay like that for a few minutes before he cleared his throat. “So then...” he said. I chuckled a bit, terrified and excited at the same time. He relaxed his arms a bit, “I've got to say, I didn't see this happening when we moved in,” he said.
“Yeah, me too,” I replied. We stayed quiet for another minute before Tad spoke again.
“Are you, er... Was that... Did you mean that? The thing that just happened I mean,”
“... Yeah. Did you?” I said.
“Yeah,” he answered, “How long have you... you know, felt like this?” he asked.
“I don't really know,” I half-lied.
“I don't want to give you the wrong idea or anything Emily, but what just happened... It shouldn't really have happened,” he said.
“Yeah I know, don't worry,” I replied. A minute passed. I took a deep breath, and asked the question that was bouncing around my head: “So, do you, er, want this to go anywhere?”
“Yeah, actually. Yeah I do,” he replied, “but I don't think anything else should happen until... you know, I sort things out with Jade. And even then I think we should maybe leave it a little bit, just to be a little less insensitive”.
“Yeah definitely,” I said, “It absolutely shouldn't happen again until then. She is my friend, and I don't want to stab her in the back more than I already have”. This was crazy, ten minutes ago I was a normal, single girl – but now I was lying down with my friend's boyfriend, planning our future relationship together. A sudden pang of guilt flared in my gut, but I stamped it out. I couldn't deal with it just then.
We sat up, backs against the wall and feet poking off the side of the bed. “Well I guess we've got some stuff to sort out then. Or I have at least,” said Tad.
“Yeah, I guess,” I replied (I'm not very talkative when I'm nervous).
“This is all pretty intense,” Tad said, “Why don't we go to sleep, and then talk about it tomorrow? When we've had some time to process it?”
“Yeah okay, whatever you want,” I answered.
We unhooked our arms, stood up, and smiled at each other. I could see the worry in his face – we would never be able to take back what we just did, even if we wanted to. At the same time though, his smile was genuine, like I remembered it being. He gave me a brief but earnest hug, and went back into his own room. As soon as he left, I was in a daze. I got undressed and into my PJs, brushed my teeth, got into bed... But I wasn't really all there; it was like I had already gone to sleep. I thought I was going to be awake for hours, but I was so physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted that I fell asleep in a few minutes.
/////\ TL;DR – The Story So Far /////\
Me = I'm about 5'3, 110lb, smallish B-cup breasts, full ass, long dark hair
I've always been straight, but during my teenage years I wondered if I was asexual because I was never interested in sex or masturbation, and I never had any boyfriends.
I had my first boyfriend (Mike) and lost my virginity when I went to university. But the sex was unremarkable and there was never any kind of foreplay or anything. The relationship was a bigger deal for him than for me and we broke up when that became clear. We stayed good friends though.
My friend Jade had a bf called Tad, and in my 2nd year of uni I got to know him a little bit. I thought he was awesome, and he was the first guy I fell for. I completely buried my feelings though, because obviously I wasn't going to mess about with my friend's bf.
At the beginning of 4th year Tad, Mike and I ended up in a house together along with two other friends. He was still going out with Jade, but she had graduated and was busy, so only visited a couple of days a week.
Tad and I got on really well, and we became close (but platonic) friends within a couple of weeks. Around this time he and Jade seemed to be running into difficulties. One night we got talking, and he told me that things had been difficult for the past year, that they were only getting worse, and he was considering ending it with her because they had become incompatible. I listened as a good friend, but I deliberately didn't give him any advice because of the conflict of interests I had.
A couple of nights later I nearly lost an essay the night before a deadline because my laptop crashed. Tad came to the rescue and restored it, and I was so overwhelmed that I just started crying. Far from being awkward about it, Tad gave me a big, long hug until I had composed myself, and then told me to get some rest. This hug was the first real physical contact we'd had, and it kind of altered things between us.
The next evening, after my essay hand-in, we were alone, and Tad ordered us celebratory pizza and we watched TV together. Afterwards we started chatting in my room, and one thing led to another and we ended up sharing a small kiss. We were more than a little surprised, but we both decided that it was something we would like to take further. Obviously we had to wait because of Jade though, so we promised not to even kiss again until Tad broke up with her, which he decided to do when she next visited in a few days time. I went to bed that night confused, scared, and excited...
And now the tale continues ...
When I awoke the next morning, my first thought was of Tad and the night before. Had it really happened? What did it mean? What was going to happen next? And then thoughts of Jade popped into my head. I had never ever considered myself the kind of person to knowingly mess about with another woman's partner – the fact that I had done it to someone who called me a friend was almost too much to handle. Despite all the good feelings about Tad, I also felt like I had dirtied a part of myself, and I would never get it clean again. I started trying to rationalise it to myself – he was going to break up with her anyway, so it's not exactly like I 'stole' him or anything. But I realised that such an argument would be little comfort to me if I were in Jade's shoes. The only thing left to do was refrain from making things any more fucked up than they already were...
At about 9am I put a bra on under my strap-top, crept downstairs, and made a cup of tea (cue British jokes) before taking it back upstairs to drink it. The two guys who were out the night before were probably in (even though I hadn't heard them get in) but it was unusual to see them up before 1pm if they had been drinking. Even still, the thought of bumping into one of them was putting me on edge, I really wasn't in the right frame of mind to be talking to other people.
I sat huddled at the head of my bed sipping my tea and trying to think normal thoughts for the next hour or so. At 10am I heard Tad's bedroom door open and my heart fluttered for a moment. There was a slight pause, and then a super-quiet knock on my door. Without waiting Tad opened the door, stepped in, and placed the door quietly back into its frame. Just seeing him again was making me go all nervous, and I had to take a deep breath to keep in control. He looked at me, and both our faces broke into sheepish smiles. “Hi,” he said. He was wearing jeans and a blue check shirt with the sleeves pushed up; I felt pretty under-dressed in my PJs (aforementioned strap-top and matching short-shorts, deliberately picked because all my others were really un-sexy). “Hi,” I replied... We were both pretty nervous. He sat down in the middle of my bed and started twiddling his thumbs. “So... about last night. Do you still feel the same?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I smiled back.
“Good,” he said, “I just... you know... it was pretty crazy wasn't it. In a good way I mean.”
“Yeah it was,” I said. My face already hurt from smiling at this point. We had a few minutes of idle chit chat, just trying to be 'normal' I guess, but I don't think either of us really managed it. After a moment's silence, Tad smiled and said “Do you want to go out and get a coffee or something? Might be easier to talk about 'stuff' outside these walls.”
“Yeah. That sounds good,” I replied.
“Cool. I'll let you get sorted, and then we can go whenever I guess,” he said.
Tad stood up, and I stood up too, putting my now empty mug on the bedside table. We looked at each other, still smiling, and I felt my heart beat faster. I waited for him to go, but he didn't move. Then, slowly, he stepped toward me, put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me like he had the night before. That moment was the most conflicted I have ever felt in my life – like I was literally being pulled in different directions by two different people. He broke away and looked at me, and the conflict must have been written all over my face. “Sorry,” he said, “I know we said we wouldn't, I just can't help it. You're just so beautiful.” When I heard him say that I pretty much melted into a puddle. Every thought but one evaporated from my mind, and I stood on my tip toes, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him back.
He slid his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. All the noble concerns I had for Jade were gone – all I could think about was the way his hands felt on my back, and the way his lips felt against mine. He pulled his face back for a second to look at me, and I saw a sudden hunger fill his eyes. Neither of us were smiling anymore, we were just panting quietly. He leant in again, but this time his tongue slipped between my lips and found mine. Right at that moment I folded into him and felt wetness blossom between my legs. I pulled him backwards, and we sat down on the bed next to each other without breaking the kiss. His hands moved, one caressing the side of my face, and the other rubbing my side just beneath my breasts. I could feel myself getting so wet, and he hadn't even done anything yet.
The hand under my breast moved down, sliding slowly down my bare thigh. It was almost too much to get my head around – This boy, this man I had been secretly obsessing over for years was running his hands over my bare skin. He rolled my hip over, slid his hand back up, and let out a sharp breath as his fingers groped my ass. It felt so good to feel them dig in, and my hands started to roam while his continued to squeeze and clench. I pulled my face back for a second, looked down, and saw something I hadn't even dared to fantasize about for the last two years: the bulge of his cock pressing against his jeans. His dick was hard for me, and I could see it. He smiled when he saw me looking and whispered “you can touch it if you want” into my ear. I didn't need to be told twice. I slowly reached forward, and he let out a moan as I traced my fingertips across it. He started pushing his hips up at my hand, so I started rubbing it gently with my palm, watching as it tensed and throbbed under the fabric. I wanted it so badly. “Oh god, we really shouldn't be doing this,” he said shakily.
“I know,” I replied, still rubbing him.
His hand slid up my side, cupped my breast, and squeezed. I arched my back to force it further into his grasp, and groped at his cock, trying to feel its length under the denim. He moved his fingers into the middle of my chest, and then slid them sideways underneath my top and bra. My heart fluttered as my skin was gradually exposed to the cool air of the room. He slowed down when he could see my areola, and then breathed out sharply when my hard pink nipple flicked into view. A wave of excitement ran through me when I looked down and saw it pointing at his face. I was exposed for him to enjoy. He stared at it for a few seconds, drinking it in with his eyes, and then slowly moved his fingers towards it. He flicked his eyes back up at me, just to check I was still okay, and then started to gently pinch it between his fingertips.
As soon as he made contact I felt a shudder run through me, and I started clenching my thighs together uncontrollably. His fingers felt so fucking good that I had to close my eyes. “Ugh, It feels... it feels so good. Do it harder,” I said, and he did. He lowered the straps of my top and bra, pulled the cups down to my waist, and then pinched both of my nipples hard at the same time. I wasn't ready for it, and I moaned loudly. I felt more cum ooze out of my pussy, and it wasn't long before the clenching of my thighs began to feel slippery. I had never experienced anything like this before.
Tad stuck his tongue back in my mouth to quieten me down, and continued to play with one of my nipples while his other arm wrapped around me and held me upright. By this point I'd had enough, I had to see his dick. I reached out with my hand, found the zipper, and grabbed hold of it. As soon as he felt me grab it he stopped what he was doing, looked at me, and shifted flat onto his back on the bed to give me better access. I tugged the zipper down to the bottom, popped the button at the top, and then curled my fingers over the waistband of his boxers. His body stiffened and his breathing quickened. I pulled the band down slowly, watching as a dark patch of hair came into view, followed by a thick, smooth shaft. I kept pulling against the rising tension, exposing more and more of him, and then watched with horny awe as his cock sprung out, trailing a thick strand of precum. It was amazing. It was about 5” long, perfectly straight and really thick, and his foreskin was slowly pulling back over the wet, pink head. The whole thing throbbed visibly, oozing more precum onto his boxers, and I just couldn't take my eyes off it.
I looked at his face and saw the desire and the longing there. Slowly, I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his girth and held it. it was thick and hot, and I couldn't believe how fucking hard it was. He closed his eyes and started shifting his hips, so I began gently teasing it up and down. I was barely moving my hand, but all these wet, sticky noises were coming off it, and I was mesmerised. I had somehow managed to do this to him.
My hands started to move further up and down, and I was engrossed by the rhythmic squelch of his precum between my fingers. As I was doing this Tad's hands kept running up and down one of my legs, starting on the outside and moving to the inside. I shifted my legs apart excitedly to give him better access, and pretty soon he was just groping my inner thigh, unknowingly kneading more and more cum into my shorts. After a minute or so of this he opened his eyes, and a smirk spread across his face when he looked at my crotch. I looked down, but I already knew what I would see: a broad, dark, wet patch slowly growing across the fabric. His fingers moved inwards from my thigh, and my breath caught in my throat when they gently grazed the bottom of my pussy. He did it again, and again, slowly working his way up. And when he reached the top and brushed my clit, I let out a small grunt and my legs jolted involuntarily with the pleasure. At this point I had really had enough.
Without a word I lay back on the bed, breathing heavily, and began frantically grabbing at Tad's collar. I yanked him over me with one hand, and started tearing at my shorts with the other. He suddenly realised what was happening and helped to pull them off. And when they came down, all of my warm, sticky cum dribbled out of me and onto the bed. Tad looked down at my pussy and I held my legs open so he could see what he had done to me. All my hair was plastered to the inside of my thighs, my lips were thick and swollen and quivering, and clear strands of gooey cum were hanging off everything. I had never needed to be fucked so badly in my life.
I grabbed his cock with one had, and pulled at his shirt with the other, trying to pull him into me. He got down on his elbows and moved forward, and every muscle in my pelvis twitched when the end of his cock rubbed against my pussy lips. I bucked my hips up at him, grabbed his sides, and pulled. He thrust forward at the same time, and the whole length of his thick, rock hard cock slid up me in one go. I cannot describe what I felt in that moment. This was what sex was meant to feel like. An addictive, scintillating fire burning between my legs. It was so intense to start with that I couldn't even breath, let alone moan. And he started thrusting in and out faster and faster, sliding more and more of my cum out of my pussy and onto the already sticky sheets. It was all over us, riding up onto my stomach and smearing all over our thighs.
After about a minute his eyes glazed over, and without thinking I just looked him in the face, said “in me... please...” and wrapped my legs around him so he couldn't stop. He gave me two more deep, hard thrusts, grabbed hold of one of my tits, and gasped loudly. I started whispering “yesyesyesyesyes,” and forced my hungry pussy into him as hard as I could while his cock throbbed and pulsed over and over, shooting thick globs of warm cum deep inside me. He filled me up, and then collapsed on top of me, panting hard. I held him there, trying to keep as much of his seed inside me as possible while I planted little kisses all over the side of his face. I felt so incredibly satisfied in such a basic, incomparable way – nothing will ever compare to the feeling of being full of his seed, of being a devoted vessel to his cum.
We lay there like that for about 5 minutes. Eventually his cock softened and slipped out of me, and our combined juices started dribbling out of my pussy and soaking into the bed. He rolled off me at that point, with a massive grin on his face, and that was when the doorbell rang. We both flipped out so hard lol; I sat bolt upright and he fell off the bed, scrabbling to put his jeans back on. He did it pretty quickly and raced went downstairs – it was only the landlady there to drop off some light bulbs, but looking back on it he was covered in sweat and probably reeked of sex lol. Can't have been much of a mystery for her to figure out what he'd just been up to...
Afterwards, he came back up (by which time I had cleaned myself up) and we sat down on the bed next to each other. It would have been awkward if we hadn't have been smiling so hard. Eventually he looked up at me and said “so much for waiting eh?” which I kind of chuckled at. The hormones were fading away by then though, and I was becoming excruciatingly aware of what I had done – I had just fucked my friend's boyfriend, and I had done it with no birth control to speak of. Not my proudest moment.
We spent the next 10 minutes apologising to each to each other for breaking our promise to not do again, but also admitting how perfect and wonderful and right it had all been. It was a sincere, heartfelt, and weird discussion lol. Once we had both established that the other was okay, we got dressed, went out, and bought an emergency contraceptive pill (no babies were had). Then we sat down and actually had that coffee. It was a difficult conversation on the one hand because neither of us could deny how wrong what had just happened was, and how unambiguously badly we had screwed Jade over. But at the same time we were both acutely aware of the connection we had forged between us, and how exciting and wonderful it was. We went back to our house resolved to not breathe a word of what had happened to anyone, and to not so much as lay a finger on each other again until Tad had ended things with Jade...
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