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First post. (MF) male perspective. | 2016
There is nothing worse than a full train on a rainy day. Windows steamed up, the body heat mixed with sodden clothes makes for an awful odour. I struggle being in packed environments as it is but this would usually irritate me even more so, but not today. Today I'm away in my own world, headphones in as I daydream about you, only about twenty minutes until I see you and yet here I am wishing and wanting. I guess that's the price you pay for complete lust and affection for someone.
My head bobs gently to the beat as my body is shifted by the carriage switching lanes, stopping abruptly at my platform. Even with my coat zipped up the bite of the winter wind is enough to hit me hard as soon as the door opens. A few paces out and it doesn't get any better, the deafening sound of the flash downpour overhead as it collides with the tin roofed shelter. The train moves on and the other passengers disperse down to the exit as I stand here, waiting for you to catch my eye and give me a destination.
I hover on my tiptoes as i face away from the wind, trying to keep moving and stay warm while I wait. My heart hits the back of my throat as you grab me from behind, I don't think I've ever spun around so fast in my life, a sigh of relief as i realise it's you and take you in my arms all the while cursing you for scaring me. You laugh at me as my cheeks go red, leading towards the exit and out into the streets.
All I want is to get back to yours so I can take advantage of having you to myself, you know this and I can see it In your eyes as I ask where we go now "let's go and grab something to eat, you must be starved" you say, giving me that little smirk as you do so. I know you want to tease me and prolong the inevitable and it won’t bode well for you later on, but I politely accept and let you guide me through the rain to wherever you wish to eat. It doesn’t take us long to be seated in this weather, little puddles already forming underneath the table as we sit and shed a few layers of soaked clothing. My fingers tingle as I start to warm up, watching intently as you scan the menu, hoping you don't see me undressing you with my eyes, within a flash you’re staring back at me and I have no way of pretending I was doing anything other than the obvious. The thought crosses my mind that you might have not noticed, your attention back with the menu, until I feel your heeled foot start to work its way up my leg, my eyes widen as my gaze burns into you, yet you pay little attention. Casually suggesting meals for us to share all the while working your way close. You’re inches away now and I can already feel blood rushing through me, pressing hard against sodden jeans, painfully tight as it is without this added pressure. I need to excuse myself, to cool off, to soak in and remember your behaviour.
By the time I return our meal has arrived, the entire walk back from the bathroom I could feel you watching me, drinking in the sight of the bulge you’ve caused. Still giving me that innocent facade as you make small talk, but I know what's hidden underneath, for the moment I’ll play along, but I intend to draw every last filthy thought from your mind before the evening is done. By the time we’ve finished up and settled the bill it’s a hell of a lot darker outside “should we get a taxi back?” I suggest, worrying more that you’ll be cold than anything, but you assure me it’s a five minute walk. Literally the second we step outside the sky opens and the heaviest shower yet pours down, we’re already wet so we may as well just persevere and head for home. I take your hand as you reach for mine and we walk through the night, relishing in the idea that you have no idea what is to come.
I’m glad you live as close as you said, the cold has begun to set in and my feet are turning numb. You take my coat and hang it up to dry before leading me to your room, I unload my bags and scarf and let out a gentle sigh of relief. As you disappear for a moment I take in your room, how it smells like you and feels homely, barely a minute passes and you're back with fresh towels offering me a shower, an offer I jump at with the chill of the rain still holding strong on my clothes. As you lead me through your room to your bathroom you let me know where everything is, how to turn everything on and where all the soaps are, I half expected you to join but you offer to pour us some drinks while I wash. A little disappointed yet excited to warm myself up I strip down as the bathroom fills with steam, my goosebumped body standing deadly still underneath the glorious stream of boiling water. It may take a while for my body to stop tensing so much but for now I'll just enjoy the heat, turning around to let it roll down my back I can see something near the door, as I arc my hand through the condensation I see you standing silently in the doorway.
While I eagerly wipe away the shower pane to see what you're doing you don't move nor make a sound, I can see in one hand you're holding a couple of wine glasses but the other has slid down into your pants, gentle movements now and then as you watch intently. As I open the shower door you take in a long sharp breathe, my naked body stepping out as I exit and stand before you, taking the glasses from you and placing them down before slowly peeling the wet clothes from you until you're shaking and exposed before me. You follow me back into the safe warmth of the shower, your body closing in to mine as the water starts to hit your skin, my arms surround you and pull you close as I force my lips upon yours, this is my reward for being so patient, the first taste of many to come. As I hold you there I begin to lather you in soap and clean your body from head to toe, preparing you for the night ahead.
As we dry off and ironically cool down after a very hot shower you poor me a glass of wine, something to ease my mind after a long day as i sit on the edge of the bed in nothing but my towel you perch on my knees, drink in hand as you take a sip, casually chatting to me about your day as your towel starts to slip lower and lower until I can see more than enough of your chest. I can feel you eyeing me as you sip your drink, knowing that I'm drinking you in and moments away from losing all restraint. As i rip the towel down you release a tiny gasp, your sweet perky nipples begging to be sucked upon, my lips wrapping around them, biting, sucking, devouring. I love that you're just sitting quietly, finishing your drink as I bruise your chest with my endless sucking and biting, while in fact I'm purely waiting for the moment that you put your glass down ready for me to truly take advantage of.
Seconds after you stand you find yourself thrown onto the bed face down, "do not move" I beckon as you start to rise, I'm happy to see you have not forgotten how to behave around me as you drop back down. You lay there in silence as I fetch a few things from my bag, pulling your arms behind your back to start, binding them with short silky ropes, moving on to your eyes as I cover them with a soft tie. As I finish the final knot I lean in close and whisper softly into your ear "this is your punishment for attempting to tease me in public, don't ever think that i do not own your every action, you are mine" a quick stroke of my tongue across your ear as I step away from your exposed body.
I perch myself at the body of the bed as you lay there, not sure what is going to happen next. Running my fingers up and down your bare legs seems to have a powerful effect on you, squirming with each stroke. Yet as I wrench your legs apart it becomes apparent to you that gentle strokes were merely appetisers for what I had planned. My left hand lands hard on your ass cheek with a loud shocking crack, your body convulsing as the pain rushes through you yet from my point of view I can tell it has had a desire able effect on you as I watch slow streams of hot wet desire running down your inner legs. The perfect time for me to accept my prize and drink you clean, gripping your ass as my tongue delves within you, flicking wildly back and forth as you try to wriggle free. Each stroke is torturous s as I force you to cum over and over and over, the slightest flick is agony as you reach a stage beyond sensitive, the sheets below you darkening as your already punished pussy streams uncontrollably over them. No control over your body to even try and stop me, completely helpless as I drive my tongue deeper reaping my rewards, feeling your sweet cum running my throat.
As I sit here, licking your cum from my lips, I can hear you panting as you try to catch your breath. I think to myself It's only polite that I give you a little break in between sessions, strolling across to refill my glass, sipping silently as I return to you. Your head edges toward me as you hear me crouch next to the bed, offering you a sip of wine as I guide your senseless body and mouth, you thank me appropriately using the correct title, it looks like someone is beginning to learn that good girls will be rewarded. As i place my glass on the side table I lean in close to your ear, telling you to stay calm before wrapping my hand gently around your throat and swivelling your body toward me, your head just on the edge of the bed with your bound hands and pinkened ass staring up at me. As i yank at your hair pulling your gasping face toward you I can see that look of shock and excitement in your face, hoping for a taste of me, this is the rare occasion that you’re going to get what you want without having to beg for it. The unmistakable sound of my zip coming undone perks your ears up, your mouth opening as you start to drool with anticipation. As I stand here, holding your head in place with one hand and my throbbing cock in the other, I contemplate only giving you a single taste, but I want this more than you know, enough to let you have what you want. A single droplet of pre cum slips away from me before I’m able to purse your lips open, landing just on your mouth and running down your chin, instantly you reach out with your divine tongue hoping to catch its entirety. I seize the opportunity without even questioning it, your wide opened mouth is unfathomably hard to resist, each inch pushing deeper into your sweet unsuspecting mouth, your moans escaping through what little space they have as I fill every part of you, thrusting hard as the back of your throat restricts me yet slowly allowing me passage. Your breathing grows heavier as you splutter and choke in between the relentless fucking, a slight break in the thrusts lets you relax and catch your breath, sucking my cock clean as its painstakingly held within you, all the while my hands exploring your back, reaching lower and lower until the you feel the easily recognisable sensation of my fingers driving into you, stretching you open as you struggle to scream and moan for more, the only sound to escape is the muffled splutter of drool running down your chin.
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