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[F/F/M/M] "Why don't you join us?" Part 1 | 2016
To preface this story I first want to say that I am not the best storyteller. But I’ve been asked to share this story, and it is an entertaining story, so here it goes.
I was a naïve little junior in high school. My life revolved around dance class and schoolwork. I had a couple good friends whose lives were similar and other than that didn’t talk much to other people. I was known to be quiet, innocent, and hardworking. People were always surprised when I mentioned smoking or drinking. They weren’t activities that I did regularly, but I did occasionally partake in them. So while I certainly wasn’t innocent, I wasn’t a wild child either, that would come later.
The one area where I was beginning to be a bit devious was with sex. I was the first of my group of friends to have a boyfriend and have sex. However, I quickly realized that I wasn’t interested in him and broke up with him. Shortly after I came out as bi (a whole other great story) and slept with a girl for the first time too. Second semester sophomore year, I began hooking up with one guy who I would continue to see throughout high school.
His name was Dylan. Now, the thing about Dylan was that he was a bit of a bad boy. My friends called him a “druggie” and felt he was a bad influence on me. He was the guy I would smoke with weekly. I hooked up with him for about three months before finally sleeping with him. At first I expected things to turn into a relationship. But then I slowly accepted him for what he was, a fuck buddy and nothing more.
With that knowledge, I began to feel more comfortable talking to him about sex. It helped to know that I wasn’t really trying to impress him for some reason. Kinda took the pressure off. He especially liked hearing about girls that I found attractive. He asked me about it almost every time he came over. I would always be really shy though, and only sometimes would reveal to him who I had been noticing lately.
Now the thing about my high school was that I had known most of the people for many years. I had went to middle school and even elementary school with many of the kids, so though there were lots of attractive girls, a lot of them I didn’t really think much of in a romantic light. I had known them for too long. And that brings me to Anna. Anna had went to private school up until that year. She was new, and she was beautiful. She looked like she was half Japanese (though she wasn’t) with these beautiful crescent shaped eyes and a heart shaped face. And her ass. Now we had yoga class together, so perhaps that is why I noticed her ass particularly, but it was perfect. In her yoga pants it always looked so nice and full. She really had a great figure, maybe a bit thin. I was smitten. But I was also nervous. She seemed edgy, cool. And of course I had absolutely no idea if she was into girls. So while I thought about her constantly, I never even talked to her.
One day when Dylan was over, he asked about my taste in girls again. I had mentioned to him that I was into the idea of a threesome possibly, so he was even more driven to find out what sort of girls I liked.
“Come on, there’s gotta be someone that you’re into right now!” He pressured.
“Well… there is this one girl…” I vaguely said. It made me nervous just to talk about her, like she might hear me.
“Who? I promise I won’t tell anyone. Please?” He was pleading with me.
“…Anna”. I finally relented.
He was silent for a second and then began to smile. “No way! Anna?”
“…I’ve been hooking up with her”.
My heart kinda dropped at that. I wasn’t upset that he was sleeping with someone, but suddenly I found myself jealous of Dylan! He didn’t notice my disappointment. Instead, he left as usual after a bit more conversation. I didn’t really think about it all more than that.
A week later it was finals. I was excited because at the end of the week, my parents for the very first (and only) time were both leaving on a trip together and letting me stay home alone. I had never had the house to myself for a whole night before. Though I knew I didn’t really have any use for it since I wasn’t the sort to throw parties, I was excited. But then my excited fell when I found out my brother was coming back from college to stay with me. I didn’t need a babysitter! I was a pretty innocent junior in high school. My parents knew nothing of the sex or drinking or weed. I was so trust worthy! But I let it go. Again, I just planned to order in some take-out and watch a movie or something. Nothing special.
I mentioned the whole house-thing to Dylan just by accident one day. He asked if he could come over that night. I agreed. I was excited, it would be a nice treat in my evening.
That day I had one final exam and then I planned to go home and relax before Dylan came over. Right as I was about to go in to the room for my exam, I got a couple texts from Dylan. Now this was rather bizarre seeing as we had a strict unspoken 1 text only rule. Getting three rather long texts from him was unusual. I only had time though to skim them before I had to turn off my phone. As I did, I saw Anna’s name. My heart started to race. Dying of curiosity, I reluctantly turned off my phone and began my exam. I could barely focus, I was so excited. I finished my exam with plenty of time to spare (my hard work paid off, I tended to do well in school), and impatiently counted down the minutes until I could leave the room and check my phone. Finally two hours passed and I ran out as quick as I could, and turned on my phone. I was right to have been excited. Dylan had texted me mentioning that he asked Anna about me and Anna said she thought I was smoking hot. She wanted to hook up. At the same time, Dylan had a friend Tyler who wanted to try to get with Anna. So Dylan asked if they all could come over that night since I had the house to myself and smoke and drink a bit and just hang out. I agreed instantly and went home to ask my brother if that was cool with him. I told him about Anna, and he seemed pretty chill about the whole thing. He said he could talk me up a bit if I wanted.
I impatiently waited for the evening to come. Finally it did. And the door rang. In came all three of them, smelling slightly of vodka. We went up to my bathroom and hot boxed it, smoking out of a bong. We were also passing about some vodka and wine, while Anna smoked a cigarette. She seemed the most intoxicated. At some point, she sat down in the bathtub and laid back. She then looked at me and asked if she could take a bath. Somewhat confused, I just agreed. We began to fill the tub. Meanwhile, Dylan, Tyler and I went into my room to drink more and talk. A couple minutes later, Anna got out dripping wet and asked to borrow a pair of sweat pants. I obliged. She then proceeded to change right in front of me, water droplets still falling from her pale thighs. I didn’t know what to say. Before I could do anything, Dylan walked in and asked if I wanted to go to my parent’s room with him. I didn’t really want to, I was quite a bit happier there with Anna, but I obliged and started making out with him in there.
Things began to get more intense as he took my shirt off. But I was curious about Anna. Sensing my hesitation, Dylan stopped kissing me and looked at me.
“Go ask her to join us” he said, knowingly.
I sprung up, and went into my room, where Tyler and Anna were making out on my bed. They stopped when I came in.
“Oh, um sorry!” I said, and began to leave.
“Oh no worries! Do you want to join us?” Anna casually asks.
Surprised at how well this was going, I nodded and then said “But you should come with us, the bed is bigger”.
Wordlessly, Anna follows with Tyler right behind her.
And that is part one. Since this is so long already, I'll put part two up tomorrow.
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