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(F)alling towards the dark side (m/f/f) | 2016

Before I go into my life, a little about my life. You can call my Alyssa, I'm currently 23, I am part Norwegian and part Italian, with Texas in my blood. I'm 5'3, have lush black hair that I keep at shoulder length, I'm 109 lbs, I have 34b cup breasts, and small but perky booty that I try to work on day to day to keep in shape from my high school lacrosse days. Back in high school I was a prude. I didn't have an interest in sex and hardly had many boyfriends. My senior year I had boyfriend that I finally let take my virginity, and although it was not the most pleasant experience it exposed me to my first orgasm. After he and I started dating more sex followed as well as the acceptance of masturbation, and how much of a loser I was for not realizing how amazing that was before either. Anyways the high school boyfriend and I broke up and I moved to Florida to go to college and further expand my experiences. College was an eye opener. I was exposed to so many new things sexually that I started to really realize how much I enjoyed having sex. My first major eye opener was when I had my first threesome. One of my friends Meg who I remain friends with today had a boyfriend at the time named Alex. Alex and Meg were always together during our freshman year, and even more so when Meg and I moved into a house together our sophomore year. The two of them were constantly having sex in the house and I ran into both of them on occasions strolling down to the kitchen fully naked after sex. Meg and I were also attached at the hip so we would talk about guys and sex a lot with each other. One night we discussed the topic of threesomes and she asked if I had ever had one. I explained that I hadn't but came close to having one freshman year in college. She explained that she had had a few with Alex and that it was fun. We talked about the idea but never acted on it until a few months later. Alex, Meg, and I were all out partying with some friends one night when I became the designated driver and drove Meg's car back with Alex and Meg fooling around in the back seat the whole time. When we finally got back to the house they made a few drinks in the kitchen and I joined them. Meg came up to me at one point and whispered in my ear that she was horny and wanted me to join her and Alex. At first I was embarrassed at the proposal but after a few drinks and seeing them grope each other in the kitchen I made my way over and started making out with Meg. Meg kissed me back sliding her tongue into my mouth while she reached her hands around my hips and pulled me in closely. Alex jus stood there and whispered "fuck" to himself while Meg and I continued to embrace each other. Meg slowly stopped kissing me and guided me towards Alex. I tiptoed up to Alex so that I could reach his lips and kissed him slowly. By now I had been with my fair share of guys and although Alex wasn't the best kisser he knew how to turn me on. Alex lightly bot my bottom lip while her grabbed my ass as Meg stood behind me and undid the back of my dress. Alex and I broke our kiss as Meg tugged my dress down to the ground as I stepped out of my heels around the dress leaving me in just my bra and panties. Alex lifted up Megs skirt and began rubbing her pussy through her underwear. Meg moaned into my ear as Alex playfully bit her neck. From there Alex undid his pants and pulled out his dick. It was average length and thickness but got skinny towards the tip. Meg knelt to the ground and told me to join her. She lick the tip a few times before smiling at me and telling me to try. my introduction to blowjobs my freshman year had me hooked and Meg knew how much I loved it. She guided my head towards her boyfriends dick before my lips were brushing the tip. I ran my tongue around the tip a few times before I licked down his shaft and sucked on his balls. While I was licking his balls Meg returned to sucking the tip of his dick while she stroked him back and forth. We switched positions after a little while before he explained he was going to cum. Meg and I straightened back up kneeling in front of his dick while he pumped his fist back and forth on his cock. He shot his first spurt of cum onto Meg's face before pointing at me and pumping a few more spurts onto my face and tongue. He went back to Meg to finish up before falling to his knees and kissing Meg on the forehead. Meg looked at me and kissed me with her cum covered lips as mine hit hers. We kissed some more before getting up and cleaning ourselves up. We went upstairs after we got cleaned up and climbed into Meg's bed to continue the fun.