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Don't Be A Drunken Mess To Your Girlfriend [MF] | 2016
Been a while since I last shared. Now that all my man-whore days are in the rear view it is a nice release to post some of the old war stories from my past.
I recently celebrated a birthday and an old friend shared a comment in a Facebook group from my High School Reunion. In response an old "memory" who had slipped my mind and I was not friends with on FB responded as well and sent a Friend Request. Her name was Shannon.
I was a good kid in High School. I wouldn't say I was Prom King or anything, but I played sports and by and large associated favorably with what you would consider the popular crowd. Unlike them, I was shy and kept to myself socially and wasn't prominent in the dating scene.
Shannon transferred to our High School my Sophomore Year from out of state and spent her last three years as the "IT" girl. She was skinny, blonde, and a cheerleader so when she showed up she became the topic of conversation for all. Within a week she was dating a Senior football stud and off the market. She would spend her entire Sophomore Year with him, and even after he graduated and moved on she continued to date him her Junior Year.
First semester of my Senior year I shared an elective class with Shannon. We knew each other socially, but were far from close friends. This class was much smaller and I did not know anyone very well, and vice versa so on the first day we sat side by side. Over the course of the year we became friends and I developed a sort of crush but nothing came of it aside from some flirting. She dated one of my friends from the basketball team. All in all a pretty innocuous friend zone with the exception of the last day of school. Signing yearbooks is a pretty common tradition and the easiest way to test the truthiness of friendships through a word count.
To my surprise asked to take my book with her for the day. That evening when she returned it she had written an entire page of her thoughts, well wishes, inside jokes, and memories. One comment seemed different though, "I would be lying if I didn't say I wished we had hung out more beyond school". At the time I had a girlfriend and never pushed the issue. We went to separate colleges, 8 hours away, and I never heard from her throughout my scholastic days.
I am dating myself here, but it was not until the peak of the myspace craze before Shannon unexpectedly came back into my life. I was about 6 months out of college and working my first white collared profession, suddenly I had a friend request from Shannon out of the blue. Turns out she had been dating another guy who had went to our High School who was 3 years ahead of us that I went to college with. She found me through his list of people.
We exchanged private messages of surprise and asking how each other was doing. She had changed a little physically but was still beautiful. She gained a little weight in all the right places and had a noticeable change in breast size from her A-cups. After a few weeks of messaging it had became a ritual to receive a multiple paragraph response and send one of my own each day.
A large group of friends from college were planning to attend the horse races and she was going with Brett, her boyfriend. She now lived in that city and I was an hour West. She asked if I was going and when I said I was she was ecstatic. At this point I thought nothing of it.
For sake of length what you need to know about the day of the race was she was looking excellent. She wore a gold sundress and her ample fake breasts bulged out the top. We had exchanged numbers and she continued to test to see when I was arriving to tailgate and once I parked she came, by herself, to meet me and hug me.
Brett was always a meathead to the highest degree. He was always into body building and live din the gym. He was a super nice and funny guy when sober, but between working as a personal trainer, his own workout time, and his love for booze he was rarely sober. From her messages I could sense her veiled frustrations with him and he was also the possessive type. She continued to break away to spend time with myself and my best friend who also graduated with us. As he drank more and more they began having side arguments and he became more belligerent as the day wore on. There were only a couple races left on the card when he reached the point of blackout drunk and was staggering along. As she tried to help him put his blazer on he poured an entire bourbon and coke onto her. Watching from 15 feet away it was clear she had reached her breaking point and only wanted to go home. I fetched napkins and my buddy and I offered to drive them back to her place.
The first ten minutes of the ride was an argument between the two in the back seat, she was essentially sober and he was completely unaware of what he was saying. Having enough she just told him she didn't want to hear another word and by the time we reached her house he had fully passed out.
Brett was a big guy, probably 6'0 but around 230 of muscle. I had to help carry him along with my buddy up the inclined driveway and into the townhome. He was aware only enough to not be dead weight and once inside we guided him to her bed. She stayed behind to take his jacket off and shoes while myself and my buddy waited in the living room. When Shannon appeared she asked if I could do a favor and take her to get her car later once she had a couple hours to sober up and drive Brett's truck since it was a stick. She told me she would make me lunch. I agreed and my buddy drove home.
There are few times in a man's life that the heavens shine down and you are in the right place at the right time and the man does not need to do anything but be in the moment. This was that time. As soon as my friend left Shannon immediately remarked about how Brett was an asshole and how he ruined her dress. She grabbed paper towels and Spray and Wash and began scrubbing her stained dress.
"Uggggghhhhhh see if you can scrub" she remarked and handed me the towel and held the fabric out and tight. I wrapped my hand over the back and scrubbed furiously. Shannon is only around 5'5 so as I did this I could see her breasts pushed up by a tan bra. Suddenly she grabbed my wrist and pulled it down from the top of her dress and right to where her breasts were. As the fabric released from my grip she placed my hand directly on her body, gazed up at me, pulled me by my belt loop closer and began rubbing my side and hip. She rested her head on my chest and thanked me and said, "I always had a crush on you in High School. You have grown up to be even more handsome".
At this moment I could care less for Brett and thinking I was smooth (when in actuality it was corny as hell) I peeled the strap of her dress off her shoulders and said, "I think we need to wash this now" and unzipped the back.
As it fell to the floor she pulled my neck down to kiss her. The second our licks locked it was Go Time. There was no seductive stripping or watching, we both attacked each others clothes as fast as possible. I removed her tan bra and her navy and white striped cotton panties. She undid my belt and zipper as I kicked off my shoes. I removed my tie and began unbuttoning my shirt as she dropped to the tile floor and pulled my pants down. I didn't even remove my boxers but just reached in and pulled my cock out leaving my shirt half un-done.
She took me into her hand and slowly slipped her mouth onto me. I bunched her long blonde hair into my hand and grunted in approval. Looking down at her well done C Cup breasts as she squated like a frog wearing nothing but navy heels intently bobbing on my dick.
"You are so fucking sexy. I want to fuck you so bad.", I complimented her. She broke her focus and looked at me letting me slip from her mouth. "Do you have a condom?"
I didn't. I asked if she was on BC and she said she was not.
"Damnit... stay here, be quiet, I have an idea.", she responded.
She stood back up and removed her heels.She grazed my erect cock with her hand and motioned as if to shush me. She then tip toed to the bedroom where Brett slept and eased in the door. I listened intently for sounds of him awakening but heard nothing but the sound of the oscillating fan. Shannon crept back out of the room with Brett's blazer and removed his wallet. She carefully shut the door and dropped his jacket while walking to the living area.
She pulled out two condoms in red packages and placed his wallet on the side table. She grinned devilishly and shook the in her hand as if to say "look what I found". I finished undressing myself and stepped out of my pants and came to her with nothing but a white t-shirt and a half hard dick.
She had a large fabric ottoman that she sat her bare ass onto. She forcefully put her hands on each hip and pulled me near and resumed taking me in her mouth. It took a mere matter of time before I was back at full attention. Feeling me in her mouth she withdrew me from her mouth.
I sank on my knees before her and she angled her back while supporting herself on the ottoman with her elbows. I eased one finger between the lips of her pale pink pussy to feel her wetness and then began strumming her clit with my tongue while I prepared the condom package.
It was some crappy Lifestyle condom that felt like it had no lubrication at all. I unrolled it and it wasn't nearly as comfortable as the condoms I was accustomed to. As I continued working her clit she now lay completely flat, pushing my head onto her as her right leg twitched involuntarily. She started to giggle and instinctively would dig her nails into me with each twitch. I pulled my mouth away quickly and beaded a bit of spit on my tongue and purposely slobbered onto the inside of my fingers and coated the tip of my condom covered cock.
Immediately I stood before her and angled my body to position my prick into the opening of her vagina and began to sink in. The spit did what it needed to and the wetness of her pussy did the rest. After a few short thrusts I was halfway in and then with one long thrust I entered deeply into her.
I just held it at it's deepest point and she tilted her head back..eyes closed..and placed her hands on my hips. We fucked with her laying on the ottoman very slowly for maybe two minutes. Careful not to be too loud with her boyfriend literally 20 feet away in the next room. I loved the site of her pink nipples that matched her pinky pussy completely hard on her fake breasts as she pushed her pelvis into the air to grind into each thrust. After each thrust I would hold it and she would do kegels gripping me as she rotated her hips to grind.Each time she became more forceful and I could tell she was ready for more.
I locked hands and pulled her up. I was standing and she straddled me. I easily slipped my dick back into her from the wetness and gave a couple quick thrusts while we stood.
"Don't get too loud. I want to fuck you harder.", I whispered.
"Not here. We can go to my roommates room upstairs. She is gone.", she told me.
I tried being romantic and carrying her up the steps with my dick still inside her. That was not smooth. It wasn't that I couldn't hold her weight, but walking when you can't see the steps and there is no hand rail is tough. I laughed and told her to get down for a second and we ascended.
Apparently her roommate was a guy. His room was not very well kept and his bed had a pile of wrinkled clothes from laundry he never folded. The bed was not made and was just a boxspring with a mattress. No frame. It was far from a Romantic endeavor but after moving socks and t-shirts to the floor I assumed the bottom and she promptly mounted me. Once again I slid in effortlessly, the lack of lube not an issue thanks to her waterworks.
She began riding me and after several moments of me thrusting up into her she eased down and began grinding furiously in a circular motion. Every once in a while she would lift up and back down. She leaned back and held her balance with her arms locked behind her at a nearly 45 degree angle. his exposed her clit which I very gently strummed my right thumb over. With my other hand I licked my fingers and teased each nipple independently. She was not very vocal or loud whatsoever. She was focused though and relentless in her riding. The only way I knew she was about to cum is when her mouth suddenly became a bit more open and her jaw quivered. She pressed down firmly and held herself in place before three short breathes and a "shittt" before holding her breathing. She collapsed forward and hyper ventilated catching her wind.
I was nowhere close so I tried to roll her over to get mine but she tightened up and mumbled "not yet". She resumed her prior position and began riding/grinding once more. I could sense myself losing some staying power. I grabbed around her back and pulled her near and began to thrust up to regain my composure. Suddenly out of nowhere her entire sound changed. She began whimpering with each thrust and saying "Oh God", "Oh Shit", and other loose moans of enjoyment. Hearing this and the sound of me plunging into her and my balls smacking under her only made me go faster. The boxspring and mattress banged into the wall at a steady rhythm.
I was so caught up in fucking her hard I was oblivious to the fact that it would be unmistakable that if Brett awoke he would hear us fucking upstairs. What finally put me over the edge is when she managed to strain out "lick my nipples..lick my nipples" I tongue teased her while pounding away like a piston in an engine.
I alerted her I was coming and gave one deep thrust and filled the condom. She was not ready for me to be finished, she began grinding back onto me and urging me for the first time "Don't stop fuck me.... fuck me more"
I did what I could to refocus and maintain what sanding strength remained. She was definitely fucking me more than i was her. She once again urged me to lick her nipples while she rode me and I obliged. She finally found her second release and froze cumming. She lifted from me and my dick slid out followed by strings of her juices. Covering my pelvic area. She ran to the upstairs bathroom to pee and I simply lay in her roommate's bed catching my breathe.
It suddenly dawned on me about Brett and I became a bit concerned. As she entered back in the room I whispered with my mouth wide and pointing down, "Is he awake?" She mouthed "OH SHIT" and tip toed down the steps to peak and listen. She returned and smiled while shaking her head to indicate no signs of life. I sat up and began to stand and she pushed me.
"Not yet.."
To my utter disbelief she peeled the cum filled condom off and threw it in the floor. She stroked my cock with her hand and squeezed the tip of my cock and wiped the bead of cum with her thumb. I now was the one twitching involuntarily and giggling. She wiped my cum remnants on the side of the bed then she took me into her mouth once more. Slowly I regained my erection and just like before once she sensed it in her mouth she let off. She crawled on top to straddle me.
"The other condom is downstairs..need me to get it?", I asked.
"No...I am too sore inside...let me do this one thing", she responded piquing my interest.
She pushed my ultra sensitive cock back toward my navel and flat against my skin. She then began grinding her now messy pussy up and down the length as if she was dry humping me. Her knees on each side of me pushed in locking the position of my body firmly in place and she was going to town. I tried moving my hips to match as much as I could, but it was clear she had total control of the situation. After we had now fucked for a combined 25 minutes without more than maybe 15 words spoken she suddenly became very talkative with eyes closed and a focused determination.
"God your dick felt so good" "I have needed this" "I want to fuck you all night" "I can't stop riding you... feels so good"
I took this a cue and began dirty talking back: "You needed this dick didn't you babe? You have always secretly wanted this dick" "I bet you want this cock now don't you?" "This is my pussy now not his"
She was clearly close to her 3rd climax now.. "I bet you want this cock back inside you" " You want to cum on this bare dick don't you?"
Without a word she reached below and sank on to me right as she came. She fell on top of me again and we just held each other with my cock still pulsing from adrenaline inside her.
"We better go before he wakes up", she finally said. We cleaned up in the bathroom and snuck back downstairs. I got dressed as she eased into her bedroom to check on him and change into sweat pants and a shirt. As we drove his truck all she could do is smile and laugh and say how she can't believe we did that. I felt guilty but she assured me they were over and she had no regrets.
She asked me that next week to drive to see her but I couldn't due to work. Instead we talked on the phone late at night. We had a long heart to heart and expressed how we both felt guilty and that we couldn't start seeing each other. My weekends were booked through the summer and outside of one other time we never got to see each other and even then it was only for one drunken Friday night. Truth be told (I know I will sound like a jerk cause I was), I was so busy being a playboy then that her constant texts and calls became a burden and with her living a good distance away I began to lose interest. Soon I stopped checking Myspace losing my link to her and she stopped reaching out.
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