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Best [m]an enjoys his date at beach ceremony spot a[f]ter reception | 2016
A few years back my best friend was getting married and I was honored to be his best man. The wedding was on the beach and the reception, a short drive from there. After a very hot, very long, day for the wedding party, we all went back to the beach where the ceremony was and we were finally able to swim after a hot long day of formalities.
A little about me: I am a 6' tall white, brown curly haired guy with a thin athletic build. I have always been complimented on my blue, smiling eyes.
For the wedding I brought a gorgeous date, a girl I only had been with for roughly a month. At 115 pound, 5' 4", red head, pale with little to no freckles, and perky, full C breasts. She was both a cute girl and also quite hot. We were both just 23 years old and I'd had a handful of good relationships, but this one had a sexual connection like I'd never had before or since. We felt the need to constantly please each other. Side note: we met because she was the hot intern at my office where I worked in the IT department, so fantasies certainly can come true.
After swimming with my friends, we had been at the beach for an hour when they began to leave. Soon it was just my date and I sit on the beach in a picture perfect summer night on Lake Michigan's shore. The nearly full moon bounced off the water and lit the scene just right.
I think we both understood that we were waiting for everyone to leave, so that we could enjoy each other in this picturesque moment. She wasted little time once our friends were at the top of the stairs and disappeared in to the wood line. The best thing about this girl was that, no matter what, if my tongue touched hers, she was instantly filled with lust. Tonight was no different, a 5 second kiss was followed by 15 seconds of her pulling her summer dress up, panties off, top of the dress down around her wonderful flat tummy, barely held up around her lovely hips. All I had to do was pull my swimming shorts down as I lie back as she climbs over me and her hand is reaching down and guiding my full erection in.
Up and down, she was bouncing and doing most of the work, while I aid her rythme with subtle motion to compliment her expert moves. We took it slower than we in the past times. Previously with her, she moved more quickly and would come twice to my one, even without added stimulation. Instead we were both lavishing in the freedom of being in nature, and taking it slow. I enjoyed the scandalous feeling of having her exactly in the place where hours before our friends stood for their wedding ceremony. At this point we were making love and it was just her and I and the moon to know.
At least that is what I thought. What I would estimate to be about 8 minutes in to our passionate session, I looked forward and just right of the beauty I was with, to see a couple walking towards us on the path from the stair landing. They were no more than 12 feet away. Her ass was facing mostly in their direction, bouncing up and down for them to see. I quietly exclaimed, "Oh my god there's people!" She got off of me and slide her dress back in place and I pulling my bottoms up from off my ankles. As quickly as we reacted though, I'll never forget the guy's gesture. He holds his hand outward to calm our shocked response, and in a matched calming tone said, "Hey, you're cool". It didn't work to keep us from reacting. We jumped up, grabbing what little items we had as the couple walked past.
I was clenched my towel in an elbow, her wet, sandy panties in one hand, and her hand in my other, fleeing urgently as we raced up the beach up the long wooden stairway over the beach grass, in to the dark trees, we escaped. I began to laugh, at how funny the situation was at this point. I couldn't understand why the couple was so close to us, as they for sure were more near than they needed to be to get around us on the beach. I wanted to know how long they had been able to see us for. I was laughing, but also sad that the wondrous moment had ended. We said back and forth these very things expressing our bewilderment, walking to the parking lot. Now we were getting in the car and headed back to her apartment. Thankfully the 45 minute drive was not too long to kill our desire. Although exhausted from the long day in the sun, our young sex drives always won out. After a quick shower to rinse the sand from our bodies, we had another great session on her bed before passing out naked in each others arms.
I didn't vacuum my car once that summer. I liked looking at the excessive amount of sand from the clothing and our bodies that we flung in the car that memorable night. The two month summer fling flew by too quick and we definitely weren't perfect for each other but I still reminisce about the sex. We shared an enormous amount of sexual pleasure, until sadly she ended up going back to her ex who had cheated on her before I had met her. With a husband and kid now, I wonder if she relives these memories.
Comment if you want to hear about the first time I came over to her apartment on a second date and she wouldn't take no for an answer.
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