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Bangang Her Skrillbox [M] | 2016

There are many ways one can infiltrate the forbidden zone through the means of Tinder, Ok Cupid, and if you roll that way Grindr. Yes of course I’m taking about the world of free online dating, because lets be reall If you’re paying for it you reek of desperation

People use these dating sites for multiple reasons. Some want a relationship, others just want a fling, and me being on my longest cold streak since breaking up with my ex, 8 weeks, I was just looking to smash something, yes something not someone, that’s into kinky, light bondage, and who isn’t afraid of a little ass play. My goal, as is for every one and done, is to establish that I’m only looking to paint their stomach with my man goo just as Bob Rosss paints a scenic picture on an easel.

So to make sure the girl knows this from initial contact my go to opener is always ”we should cuddle.” While 80% of girls think I’m a complete creep, a small fraction actually respond and I continue to push the cuddling aspect.

For the sake of this story lets call this girl Angela, who by her picture looked like a decently cute red head but with the slight need for a nose job. I continued to ask her questions such as ” where’s the craziest place you’ve as sex” and “do you like to have fingers in your ass” to “can you deep throat”. When she responded to all these questions, and even acknowledged that we would fuck after drinks, we decided to meet up on Sunday, watch the giants game and then go back to my place to bang.

I get to the bar before her and order a pitcher thinking about the nice night full of face down ass up hog tying sex when I see this thing walk into the bar. And yes god dammit it’s her. Short fat and round. Her face almost like a perfect circle. Kind of like Kirby. But what most of you thought would be the worst feature actually is actually something on my sexual bucket list. She has a Skrillbox haircut.

Complete skrillcut. With one side shaved and the other side the hair brushed over. I immediately order a 2nd pitcher and chug my beer faster than I ever have before. After “listening ” to her pathetic life where her mom doesn’t care about her and bla bla bla bla bla we finally decide to go back to my place where after finishing watching the Giants game she started undoing my belt with her teeth. Which I actually don’t think was possible and was just some special effect porn directors added to give with viewer a harder chub.

Let me tell you that I was very happy with my decision to not just abandon this chick. Probably one of the best I’ve ever had.

So during our text conversations we started talking about how we both into tying people up and shit. So once I got her completely naked, which was not a pretty sight but she was waxed so that was a nice perk, I use a tie that I keep under my bed for reasons just like this . I have her lay on the ground face up and tie her hands above her head and then under the bottom of my bed frame and tell her I’ll be right back. I go into my closet to get another tie so I can pull of the feat I’ve always wanted to pull. But I decide to first grab a drink of water before I go back in there and terrorize her slam box.

I get back in to the room untie her and make her get up. Here comes the act I’ve always wanted to pull. I took one tie to tie her right wrist to her right ankle and one to tie her left wrist to her left ankle. I have her bent over fucking her doggy style so she can’t move while scratching her ass hole like I’m A-trak playing a show. After I finish I pull out and she instantly falls to the floor. I untie her, go into my bed and try to take a nap.

I wake up to this girl jerking me off asking me to fuck her again. Obviously I was going to say yes but had her do all the work. Within 2 minutes of her riding me one of my friends calls. I shove the tie in her mouth start grabbing her tits and answer continue to answer the phone. After a few minutes of planning logistics of when he’s coming to visit he hangs up, clueless than i was deep inside some fat ugly broad.

After I finish this time, I immediately get up and say that I’m going to McDonalds. You would think a normal girl would take this as ” Ok I’ll leave”.. Nope she continues to follow me to McDonalds and comes back to my place to hang. At this point my drunk and highness was fading off and I just wanted her to leave. So during the football game I tell her I’m tired and going to bed. She’s about to leave and at this point I feel obligated to give her a kiss goodbye. It was disgusting while sober. She leaves I slam the door in her face and delete her number.