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All I Want For My Birthday Is A Big Booty Hoe [f/f]: A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle. PS. Chloe found out about my storytelling... | 2016
HI! Well it's been a while huh? Two main reasons why such the gap, the first Chloe found my writings when I forgot to log in on this account in incognito mode.... so a fight ensued. I let her read all 58 pages in my word doc. which is everything i've posted here. We discussed and came to an agreement. I'm allowed to continue as long as she reads them first so i'd say a win win situation for everyone.
The second is that I'm getting major writers block. I feel like there is only so many ways you can describe your clit getting licked. I feel like i'm getting very repetitive with the scenes and that bothers me. If I continue to feel this way I might hang up the old writing cleats.
Okay okay okay let's get to what you really came for.
I only read over it once before I posted, Chloe and I have a shower to go to so I didn't have time. I feel edit again later so please excuse whatever rn
And here we go.....
Sunday night: “You really are a lucky twat” my inner goddess reminded me as I fell asleep next to Chloe on my Birthday.
48 HOURS EARLIER I found myself blinking at “K’s BIRTHDAY WEEKEND PALOOZA” Spotify playlist on my screen, desperately trying to recall any other essential party songs that I was missing. A bing distracted me from my staring contest with Spotify, it was a Gchat from the babes. Chloe got this huge Gchat boner our senior year, she said it made her more professional. Yeah, she’s a fucking nerd, but she is pretty cute so I played along.
Chloe: K, I have bad news.
Me: You lost your favorite snorkel?
Chloe: K, I’m serious. I won’t be able to make it down today or Saturday. We’re just going to have to see each other on Sunday back at home.
I waited for the just kidding, just playing, or got you to pop up from Chloe, it didn’t.
Chloe: Babe…..
Me: Well that’s a series of unfortunate events. A call and not a Gchat would have been nice….
Internally my mood went from chipper to sulky. Instead of drinking in celebration, I would be starting with a shot of sorrow.
Chloe: I’m at work babe, I’m so sorry…I’ll call you when I’m off.
Me: K (aka fuck you Chloe Elizabeth)
I was livid. Was it warranted? No probably not, but it was my birthday, our first one together. (Yeah I’m a brat sometimes) I forcefully slammed my laptop shut and set off to find Jules & my shot of sorrow. I barraged into her room ranting about the events that had just transpired, when I suddenly became aware of the moaning flowing out of her lap top speakers. “Are you watching porn” I stammered somewhat perplexed at what I had just walked into. “Yes Kennedy, this is why we knock you fucking Kumquat” she hissed hitting her spacebar. “What are you watching, wait no, don’t tell me I’ll guess later. Well you know I would never come between a lady and her orgasm, but you heard what just happened to me, so hurry up or I’ll just finish you off. Ugh. No I won’t. DO YOU SEE WHAT SHE DOES TO ME? MY EMOTIONS ARE IN A BLENDER RIGHT NOW. I finally took a breath. “Wait did you cook this morning, I smell bacon” I asked Jules. “No, my breakfast was going to be an orgasm but here we are” she sassed. “Fine, sorry I’m just having a fourth of a life crisis” I spat as I turned around and headed out to the kitchen. “When you get out here after your breakfast we are taking shots, yes plural bitch” I shouted back towards Jules bedroom.
“Or you could just eat breakfast Kennedy”
“What in the fuck” echoed in my head as I waited for the surprise to leave my face and catch up with my thoughts. It didn’t. “You’re upset” Chloe pointed out. “No shit Sherlock” I jeered back. “I just really wanted to surprise you babe” she told me. I blinked in response. “You’re not talking” Chloe observed. “Okay enough this is fucking weird” I continued to blink. “Say something for fuck’s sake Kennedy” pleaded Chloe. “Food” was my response handing her a plate from the cupboard. I sat down at the table, making sure to be as loud as possible because I’m 12 years old. I hoped the food would be disgusting so I could be even madder at Chloe but of course it was stupendous. “How does my Birthday Queen like her breakfast” Chloe asked slithering up behind me, running her fingers through my pony tail while peppering kisses on my neck. I shrugged my shoulders in response, throwing Chloe off of my neck. “Rather be having Jules for breakfast” she whispered in my ear. My fork clanked against the plate, I turned toward Chloe opening my mouth to explain, only to be cut off by Chloe’s tongue invading my space. That’s one thing I really do miss now that we live together, those 1st kisses we had after not seeing each other for a prolonged amount of time. Those kisses were different, hungry and intimate down right sinful. Chloe’s voice snapped me back to reality “K, I’m kidding, I know you have no filter when you’re emotional. I know you would never do that” she assured me while rubbing my back. “It’s incredibly unsettling to me that anyone other than myself has that much influence on my feelings. It’s fucking worrisome Chloe” I confessed to her. “Okay Bruce can you not go all hulk on me right now?” Chloe asked. I scowled back. “Swivel” Chloe directed me while claiming her throne, my lap. “Now listen up Johnson, I’m only going to say this once, get over yourself. The world is not going to end since you let me in; it’s okay to feel things. I’m sorry my surprise attempt upset you so much. You know that wasn’t my intention, in the future, yes we have a very long future, freak out over that if you need too, but I will not pull a stunt like that again. I like you and I love you.” Chloe’s eyes scanned my face for a reaction as I digested her words. “I’m not freaking out” was all I could muster up in response.
“Good, we need to talk about other things” Chloe prodded. “I don’t want to talk” I growled sliding my plate away from me. Rising out of my chair I transferred Chloe on to the table. My hands found their way to the back of Chloe’s knees and I pulled her into me. “K, no seriously we need to talk” protested Chloe. I ignored her and brought my hands up to her hair, giving it a slight tug, exposing her neck to me. I brought my nose to her neck and inhaled sharply, the smell of her perfume from earlier still lingering. My tongue traced a “S” up her neck to her ear “The only thing I want to hear from you is my name & I’m cumming” I breathed. I started to nibble on her ear when she chipped “You can’t just keep replacing talking with sex Kennedy.” I released her ear from my lips, bringing my face up to hers. “Your body keeps telling me it’s a good idea” I told her while my fingers slid in-between the waist of her jeans and her stomach. My lips stimied any chance at a Chloe rebuttal. My hand grazed along Chloe’s skin slowly downward, but was thwarted by her jeans. Trying to not break out lip locking, I tried to readjust my hand to no avail. I was just about to break away when Chloe reached down and unbuttoned her jeans and zipper. “Set. Point. Match.” My inner goddess proclaimed. She’s a competitor, of course she talks in sports metaphors, are you really surprised?
“Woof. I would have just come out here if I had known there was a porno filming on our table today” Jules said emerging from her room. I took a step back from Chloe suddenly understanding the events from this morning “You bitches. Jules you were in on it from the get go….” “ Wow, you don’t miss a beat do ya Kennedy” Jules lofted at me with her head in the fridge. Chloe’s giggle brought my attention back to her. Assuming that I found this exchange was cute, Chloe came in for a kiss, much to her surprise she was met with my palm. (No not a slap palm but like a talk to the hand palm) “This isn’t cute or adorable. I’m upset” I told Chloe as I started the trek to my room. “What crawled up your snatch today Kennedy” Jules yelled after me. “Your mother” I shouted back before slamming my door.
I settled on my bed with a pillow over my face to muffle the crying. Even reflecting upon this moment today, I’m still not sure why the tears came. I was upset, hurt, horny, in love, pissed off, did I mention horny? Well those emotions are a vile crying cocktail for me. Chloe didn’t chase after me; I felt a wave of relief topple over me. I didn’t want her to see me in my weeping willow state. When she did enter I still had the pillow over me, still sniffling but not the full on sobbing that was happening earlier. “Are you crying” Chloe asked. “No” I muttered, lifting the pillow briefly to answer. I heard Chloe’s feet shuffle towards my bed, and I was promptly greeted with Chloe’s body sprawled out over me, her head resting on my chest. She didn’t say anything she just laid there while I recovered from my cry and it was perfect. When I felt that my emotional blender had subsided I took the pillow off my face and tossed it on to the floor. Chloe lifted her head so that she was looking at me now. She reached up, wiping away any tears that remained on my cheek and softly said “Hi.” I propped myself up on my elbows and responded in kind “Hi.” Neither of us moved, we just drank each other in. Honestly, I’m not sure how long we stayed like that; time has no measure when I’m with Chloe.
Eventually Chloe slid her body up mine, so she brought her lips to mine. As usually the kisses turned from gently almost sweet to rough and lustful. My hands searched for something to hold on to; naturally they found their way to her backside. At this point in our shenanigans Chloe had managed to part my legs and straddle my upper right thigh. I gripped Chloe’s ass and pulled her into me. “Christ….i’m so wet already” breathed Chloe. I fucking love it when she tells me she’s wet when she still has all her clothes on. We made out what seemed like forever, seriously making out is fantastic and such an undervalued sexy time asset, but hey what do I know I’m just the resident lesbian sex goddess…. I stopped our kissing abruptly to question Chloe “Why are your clothes still on?” Chloe’s head tilted to the side, I assumed she was thinking for something witty retort but to my very pleasant surprise I was wrong. (Don’t assume people it makes an ass out of you and me) Chloe lifted herself off of me and stood over me on my bed. My eyebrow rose as it always does when I’m questioning something. Chloe smirked in response before turning around so that her bodacious bottom was at attention. She quickly removed her flannel and bra, tossing them to the ground where the majority of my clothes already laid. “Twat tease” I grumbled thinking that the show was over. It wasn’t, don’t bet against the house kids am I right? After Chloe had given me the stink eye for my twat tease comment, she swiveled her head back around, so she was now looking away from me. I heard Chloe’s zipper reach the end when I saw Chloe take a deep breath, I’m not sure if she was nervous or the emotions from before or what but in that moment I said to myself “Hmm I should probably put a ring on that.” Yes that might illicit a few laughs but that was the most serious thought about any relationship I had ever had. Before Chloe the words marriage and I together only went with never and lol, I had planned on being that cool aunt that everyone loves, that sneaks you drinks, and then seduces your hottest girlfriend of age. Back to the sexy times, sorry for the side boob.
Chloe’s thumbs slid between the waist of her jeans and the swell of her back as she started to take off her jeans and panties. She paused briefly upon reaching the spot where her legs meet her ass and looked backwards “Just had to look back at it” she said adding a wink before she turned back around. Chloe brought her jeans and panties to her ankles, stepped out of them and tossed them across the room. Her stance subtlety widen as her body returned to an upright posture. She gathered her hair and pushed it to the right side of neck, what my little vixen did will forever be engraved into my memory. Chloe started to bend over, making sure to take her time so the birthday girl could take in the view, finally ending her journey looking back at me through her legs. I responded with incoherent words, I was beside myself with what I had just seen. “Pussy got your tongue babe” Chloe smugly asked as she settled on her knees now facing me. “I…..I….I….” stammered in response. Chloe grabbed onto my knees and pushed them outwards and down onto the bed. “They only thing I want to hear is Chloe and I’m cumming” she mocked at me. Before I had time to yell or respond to having my own words used against me, Chloe tasted me. My body quivered at Chloe’s first stroke on my clit. “I always think I know how good you taste, but each time you just somehow taste that much better” Chloe told me before returning to the task at hand. Chloe’s tongue lapped at my button. My hands traveled down from my breasts to Chloe’s mane. “Fuck” escaped my lips as my hands pressed Chloe harder into my sex. Flick, Flick, Circle, Suck repeat was the pattern of the day, it very well could have changed but I was lost in my body by that point. My hips started to wiggle as I felt the pressure of my orgasm building. I felt Chloe pull away to add her fingers into the mix “No” I groaned, she got the message. She returned to my clit and clamped her hands down on my thighs. Then I felt something I hadn’t ever, and trust me I’ve felt just about everyfuckingthing on my clit. “What” Chloe did it again “the fuck” again “was that” again. She didn’t respond she just kept casting her spell. My hips began to grind into her tongue, I was close. I brought my hands back up to my breasts and began to rub myself. That’s when I heard Chloe moan in her mouth against my clit and I lost it. It was cathartic, I felt like I had just, I don’t even know, I felt drained, so drained that I was the most in tune with my body that I had ever been. All the emotions and clusterfucks from earlier had seemingly gushed out along with my juices. I felt incredible.
Chloe began to make her way up to my lips, leaving a trail of my wetness along my body as she did. “Hi” she said upon reaching my face. “Hi” I responded. I could taste myself on her, I knew I had come hard and the amount I could taste myself only confirmed it. Chloe began to kiss me with urgency; I had momentarily forgotten that she hadn’t had her own release yet. Chloe knew what she wanted, without breaking our lip locks she straddled herself over my right thigh. I could feel her juiciness on my leg as she brought the top of her thigh to my sex. Chloe began slow and deliberate with her hips, back and forth making sure to feel every bit of friction she could. My hands set off for her ass, grabbing a respective hand full when then arrived. In rhythm with Chloe my hands began to help drive her harder against my thigh. Chloe broke out kiss and moaned in approval. I took this moment to slide one hand up her back and press her body against mine. Chloe increased the tempo of her gyrations. With our bodies so close together her breasts slide over mine, our nipples meeting for fleeting seconds each thrust. I brought my lips to her ear and nibbled on her lobe “Fuck stop I’m not ready yet” protested Chloe. I however was very ready; I could feel my 2nd orgasm building. Now, I’ve never been one for rushing a girl into cumming, but I was not about to cum twice before my girlfriend (WHO HAD JUST STARTED THE VIGINA MONOLOUGES) had even cum once, trying to show me up, in my own bed the twat waffle. I played dirty I’ll admit, Chloe has a major weakness that she had told me about way back in high school and I was going to use it against her, I know I am horrible evil lesbian sex goddess. Get over it. I licked along the outside of her ear starting where her ear met her head all the up. “Fuck. You. Kennedy.” Chloe moaned as she came all over my thigh. She panted trying to regain enough breath to yell at me for my foul play. After getting over how amused I was with myself for the shit I just pulled, I realized I was still extremely horny. I rolled Chloe and I to the right, so that I was now on top. “Are you trying to make me dizzy so that I throw up in your bed” Chloe asked me. “No, I’m trying to get a birthday two for one” I growled.
There was nothing sensual about what transpired next, I was looking to cum. Hard and fast. My pace was swift, my breaths grew shallow and short from the intensity of the act. Chloe moaned and reached up grabbing my breasts. “Lean down” Chloe suggested. I obliged and she took my nipple into her mouth. I grabbed my headboard as a searched for something to hold on to as I hit the home stretch. Chloe reached back and smacked the top of my ass, I couldn’t even be mad I deserved that. My thrusts were getting quicker and more urgent. Chloe unlatched her mouth from my nipple and lightly blew on it. That was that. “Chloe, I’m cumming”
After I recovered I realized I had done exactly what she wanted me to do, eat my own words. I laid there with my head on Chloe’s chest, while she ran her fingers up and down my back, waiting for her to say some smug remark. I couldn’t take the silence any longer “Fine. Yes I said exactly what you told me to say. You actually told me so. Happy?” “Elated actually but not because of that, I guess I didn’t realize how much I missed laying with you until right now.” Chloe confessed. “Ew. So Mushy” I teased. “I could have said the same about you twenty minutes when your vagina assaulted me with a Tsunami but I digress. I have your first present for you” Chloe informed me. I was unsure if I was proud of her banter or insulted that I came so much I assaulted her, I was trying to decide in my head when Chloe pulled me out of my thinking “Kennedy, you fucking load, get off of me so I can get it for you” Chloe complained. “A LOAD…..” I repeated bewildered at what I had just been called. A load is all I kept repeating to myself, sitting there on my bed, suddenly becoming extremely self-aware that I had no clothes on. I reached for my body pillow to use as shelter.
Chloe emerged from my closet wearing a T-shirt. “I don’t get it. Didn’t I already have you?” I questioned confused with what my present was. “First of all why are you wearing a body pillow and second read the shirt” prompted Chloe. “FIRST OF ALL BECAUSE I’M A FUCKING LOAD” I said with a raised voice “And second You had me at meat tornado” I read aloud from the shirt. “OH MY GOD. THAT’S FOR ME RIGHT? YOU GOT ME A RON SWANSON SHIRT” “Yes and yes but take off the fucking body pillow. If you’re a load then I’m a fucking dump trunk” Chloe reassured me. I threw the body pillow off of me and clapped my hands urging Chloe to give me the shirt. She tossed it over and I swiftly put it on and scooted to the edge of my bed. I patted my thighs and motioned for Chloe to sit on my lap. She arrived and wrapped her arms around my neck; I looked up at her “Thank you. I’m really glad you’re my dump truck”
As always comments, questions, advice etc; are always welcome!
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