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2 Cousins and their [F]riend stay with [M]e | 2016

Unfortunately it didn't get too wild for me, so this story is a bit mild, but it was a nice experience. This is only ever my 2nd post on Reddit. I made a throwaway at one point to tell a long detailed sexless history of me and someone that I still to this day love, just to get it off my chest. This one is a lot more happy, but sadly still mild.

I get informed that my two cousins Amy and Allie(sisters 19 and 21) are driving down to stay with me (27) for a couple of nights. After they've already left I get told that Amy's friend Raquel (also 19) is also coming too. I check her out on Facebook and she's a good looking girl, but she's young and with my cousins so I don't think much of it other than that.

They all get here and I take them out to eat. Raquel and I get along well, but once again I'm not trying anything just being a good host. When we all get back Allie heads to bed while Amy, Raq, and I watch a movie. There's some back and forth between Raq and I, but unfortunately Amy plopped down in the middle of us, so there was only so much I could do.

I took them all to the beach yesterday morning and we stayed there for a while, then we went on a nature tour and then I took them to a nearby city for some fun that evening.

Raq had never been to this city so we made sure she got to spend a little time doing some of the famous things in that area of the city. We are all having a good time, but once again I'm not really trying anything. On the way home I stop and get us all some drinks. They're all excited. I didn't have any ill intent, just being the cool cousin.

We all spend some time hanging out at home and Allie goes to bed early again. Amy and Raq want to watch a scary movie and before I've even got us one picked out Raq announces she has to sit in the middle tonight, which I found a bit odd, but didn't think much of it. This girl is about 5'6 or 5'7. She was a cheerleader in high school, but not a twig. She was fit, but a little thick and she has about a D cup. We get on the couch and she immediately snuggles up on me. She's about two drinks in and tries what I'm having and asks for one, so I mix it up real quickly. Amy is up and down the whole movie and Raq just gets more touchy feely.

Now, I got out of a 5 year relationship a few months ago with someone I thought I was going to marry and really haven't had much success at all since the breakup, so this was great for me. Anyway, I finally just go for it and lead down to kiss her and she is voracious. It gets pretty passionate pretty quickly and she's grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in for the real thing. We are both feeling the drinks and we didn't even think about Amy being there at this point and she immediately got up and left. Oops, sorry cuzzo. Raq and I are making out and I get her bra off and her boobs barely even move when they're free. Perky just doesn't seem to do them justice. Nice baby toe nipples with small aerolas. I play around with them and get my mouth on them all while she's moaning and squirming. I go to take her shorts off and she stops me. We make out some more while we grind and what not so I go for the shorts again and am denied again. It was pretty late so we eventually fall asleep together on the couch.

The next morning I'm a bit worried as she's so much younger and I gave her alcohol and then we did stuff while she was drinking. I just didn't want to be a regret or have made her feel uncomfortable. No worries though. Once she wakes we start making out again and I'm back on her tits. I go to slide the hand in the shorts and am denied again. At this point I'm just like what the fuck. We both kind of fall back asleep and wake up again and start up again. She's got her back to me now on the couch and I finally just pull my dick out and have her start jacking me off while I kiss and nuzzle her neck. I tried the shorts one last time and damned if she doesn't let me get them down past her ass and so I start to line my dick up and she stops me. I give up at this point and she wraps my arms back around her and we doze of and on talking at points til the cable man shows up to install my cable. I'm in a new place and today was my appointment from 8-10 and damned if he didn't show up on time. I wish I had made the appointment later now, but oh well.

The cousins and Raq all get up and pack up and are about to head out when I use the bathroom after Raq and either she forgot to flush or all the TP didn't go down, but there was a ton of blood on TP, so I'm assuming that's why she wouldn't let me fuck her. I have Raq's number and we've texted a little. They all live 9 hours away and she's so much younger I'm trying not to have any delusions that anything other than that hookup will ever happen, but she's a good looking girl and even with the age difference I out kicked my coverage on that one. Anyway it was a nice confidence boost to a what has been a fractured ego since my ex left me. I work a lot and the prospects in my smallish town just aren't there, so I don't cultivate many opportunities right now. I just hope my cousins' mom (also my cousin) doesn't get pissed if she finds out I provided alcohol to them and nearly fucked the friend.